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General discussions of portable apps and news.

Portableapps removed yet still functioning....Help please.

Submitted by Mclane on January 28, 2014 - 10:52am

Hi there,

I am helping a friend who installed portableapps but didn't like the fact it renamed drives (well semi renamed them), I searched and told him about editing the autorun.ini and changing the label as instructed on here. He did this but said the name remained so he asked me how to remove portableapps, again I checked here and saw it was a 'snap' and got him on the flashdrives to remove the portableapps dir and autorun, he instead formatted the drives so basically the same.

How to format a flash drive for Windows 7 not to create a Recycle Bin on it?

Submitted by trust on January 27, 2014 - 4:20am

Along these lines:

But from the standpoint you only have control of the flash drive not the Windows system:

My observation is that if I plug in an MP3 player/Kindle/Smartphone, Windows will not write a Recycle Bin on the drive.


Submitted by zip22033 on January 26, 2014 - 10:03pm

Hi All.

I am totally confused on the licensing part and I need some clarification.

I am creating a shareware USB portable software and I would like to bundle few other portable software from from different categories and also Firefox Portable. As I understand these are GPL.

I can do the following:
1. Put all software in my installer and provide it to user to install it.
2. I can also make two installers, one for my shareware and one for GPL software.

Which is the right way of doing it from licensing point of view?

Portable Text Capture App

Submitted by binar on January 23, 2014 - 9:15pm

Fellow Forum Members,
From what I have read in this forum SnagIt is not available as a portable app because it is not freeware. The alternative I have read is FSCapture version 5.4.

The problem with FSCapture 5.4 is it does not support text capture like SnagIt does. FSCapture 5.4 only seems to capture images and not text in an editable format.

Can anyone out there recommend a solid portable freeware text capture app I can use to capture pages of text from a PDF file. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Markdown editor?

Submitted by quickfold on January 22, 2014 - 11:31am

Are there any free portable apps, either on this site or elsewhere, that support editing in Markdown, and can export/copy the Markdown in HTML within the app itself? Live preview is preferred but not essential. Thanks!

Deframentation time and Portable - Compatible?

Submitted by Gladry on January 19, 2014 - 2:36pm

First - This may have already been discussed but I tried "Find" and "search" on forums home page and found no search ability.

Can you really put a defragmenter on a portable device?
A badly fragmented drive may take hours to defrag and you might want to remove the portable drive and use it elsewhwere before defrag is finished.

Does the portable app copy the defrag program to a temp directory on the drive to be defragmented before beginning defrag? I've looked at the various doc pages and no indication of this.
