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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Thank You

Submitted by sja5164 on February 19, 2010 - 4:28pm

Just a HUGE thank you to the creators of In the last 2 weeks I've gone from frustration over lack of portability (I use 3-4 different computers a day) to loading an entire 2GB flash drive to capacity.

Love it, Thanks again!

USB encrypted email for both windows & linux?

Submitted by twatter on February 19, 2010 - 9:17am

Hey all, my first post here!

what i'm looking for is a way to have USBstick-portable encrypted email, and be able to use it on both windows and linux PCs.
I've been using TBP+Enigmail before, and it's as good as ideal - except for that i can't read or send encrypted emails if i only have access to a linux computer at the moment.
This is some serious impediment to my "portability".

Remove Logo from the top PA.c menu. Platform 2.0 Beta 4?

Submitted by Debray6379 on February 19, 2010 - 4:40am

I been searching both here and google and I didn't find any posts/info on the subject so I thought I'd ask here... has this been spoken of before maybe somewhere I missed? Is this the right place to talk about it? and is it allowed?
I done it with mine and it seems to work with no adverse effects.
Can I post what I've done in this forum or will that be frowned upon?

protect USB portable

rogerferrari's picture
Submitted by rogerferrari on February 18, 2010 - 1:51pm

Hi everybody!
I would like to know, how can I protect my pendrive from virus, worms, malwares, etc.
I use my Portable in College, Work, my girlsfriend home...
and I would like to ask for some way to protect it, for example, some sofwtare "write protect" that don't allow any program of damned virus to write in my portable USB, or some kind of "USB firewall protect" that would have the same function...
thx in advanced ^^

FirefoxPortable save downloaded files

Submitted by grrr SayreX on February 17, 2010 - 9:32pm

Ok I realy like FirefoxPortable and this website too. But since I am using FirefoxPortable everywhere i always have download problems, like my portable hard drive has different letters ( E:\, F:\, G:\ ) and so on. So when i download very large files, say gamespot's demos i am very limited to where i can keep downloading them couse if drive letter is different i loose all my downloads and forced 2 use desktop as my download folder.

Encryption and password protection

Submitted by ratcatcher on February 16, 2010 - 5:59am

I know this has been extensively discussed before, but bear with me ...

Prior to using PortableApps, I had a U3 stick. I had this configured so that when I inserted it, it prompted me for a password which, if entered correctly, allowed everything to start up normally. It's my understanding that without the correct password the drive could not be mounted/read - only reformatted. This all worked fine until U3 eventually became dead-in-the-water.


digitxp's picture
Submitted by digitxp on February 15, 2010 - 7:11pm

I was thinking that perhaps somebody would want to make a PortableApps youtube channel, with videos like making your own Portable App, installing, and other tutorial stuff.
The only problem is that youtube only assigns one person per channel, which means the login would have to be shared, which is a bad thing.
So, who's in?

Submitted by tlchost on February 15, 2010 - 6:15am

I've noticed within the last week that my connections to from pidgin are refused. I do not have that problem with MIRC. Any one else experiencing this? Any work around?

