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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

How well do our Apps handle Standby / Hibernate?

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on September 23, 2009 - 5:20am

The subject says it all: How well do our Apps handle Standby / Hibernate?

I just responded to someone in the german forum. He woke up his PC from hibernate with Thunderbird Portable still running and it downloaded all his messages again (~1000) He killed Thunderbird, got several windows errors in the process and now his SD card is unreadable.

This made ma aware of the problem that I don't know what happens in hibernate with our Apps. What if the app is woken up before the launcher starts? Has anyone ever considered this problem when coding a launcher?

Install .Net and DFC5.3 in PortableApps

Submitted by claus on September 21, 2009 - 2:05pm

Dear all,
may name is Claus and I would like to ask, its possible to install a Microsoft ".Net" environment and from Documentum the "DFC5.3 System" to PortableApps? Please let me know if this possible.
A other question are, when you have applications they will NOT asking, in which target folder you will install, in this case its possible to install this application to PortableApps too?....

Thanks a lot from

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Tim Clark's picture
Submitted by Tim Clark on September 19, 2009 - 2:09pm

"How To Ask Questions The Smart Way"

I found this to be a very Long, but very interesting read.

Some of it would Not apply to us, but much of it does.
[Our behavior standards lean more toward the Higher/Politer/Helpfuler side Smile ]

New comers of course will not likely see this before posting but it would be of great value to some members in how to improve their questions and responses.

Obsolete hash algorithm used for downloads

Submitted by jamcomm on September 18, 2009 - 4:48pm

Something I've just realised... Why are MD5 hashes posted for the installer downloads?!

This hash function was effectivly obsoleted years ago because of the security problems it has - specifically the ones when it's used for this purpose! Couldn't something like the SHA512 - or at a minimum the SHA1 hashes be posted instead? (Or as well as the MD5)

To JAVA or not to JAVA..

Submitted by sjoerdrb on September 17, 2009 - 10:08am

I am an avid user of Portable Apps and I cannot 'live' without my 8 Gb flashdrive anymore, using it at home and at the office. However, since a few weeks the office (=hospital) have renewed all pc's with standard software but also making it impossible to install any other software. I can understand this necessity (support other software etc) but for me this means that I can't download Java which I need for numerous websites. (I need administrator rights.. :))

Following your guidelines I have searched the forum, but I don't seem to find the answer to my question..
