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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

PAM + MyAHKScript = Problem

Submitted by Jacob Mastel on November 3, 2008 - 8:20pm

Okay I considered putting this into the OT forum but decided that it was relevent to PAM so I put it here. My problem is when I run this AHK script PAM pops up right after it sends the "#" during the pidgin areas. I posted the whole thing just in case any of it was relevant. If this is a bug in PAM here ya go if it's my fault can you tell me why?

#SingleInstance force ;Only allow once instance to run.  If one already exists it will be over written.

	#IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass ;Checks to see if in a Windows Explorer Window
^n:: ;ctrl+n
send !f ;alt+f

USB 3.0

dzjepp's picture
Submitted by dzjepp on November 3, 2008 - 5:21pm

Anyone else eagerly awaiting USB 3.0? I will probably have to buy an external USB adapter to get full speeds of the new devices (won't upgrade motherboard for a while yet) and I hope that new thumb drives won't be too expensive because the first thing I want is a 8GB USB 3.0 thumb drive to place my PortableApps backup on Smile

[Request] Subforum for freeware

Submitted by entens on November 3, 2008 - 1:22pm

Alot of threads I've seen on this board have ended with the general statement "we only support OSS not freeware. Comeback when its OSS."

While this is great for the development and management of the official suite of portableapps, it would be nice to have a handy index of freeware apps that dont have a OSS solution available.

Stop asking for Portable Operating Systems

sergentsiler's picture
Submitted by sergentsiler on November 1, 2008 - 7:10pm

Please!!!! Stop asking for portable operating systems. all of us regular users of this site are sick and tired of seeing the constant in flow of portable os requests. for one, we already have a portable operating system (not developed by us) called Mac-On-Stick. second, a truely portable operating system is already in the works and will be done when it is done!

so once again, Please stop asking.

[Results] #portableapps - Operators, Gurus, and DeMos

Submitted by Patrick Patience on October 31, 2008 - 9:59pm

Howdy all, I just wanted to inform the community of the changes that have occurred in the IRC support channel, #portableapps on

As discussed previously by Ryan, there are 3 main 'positions' we've set up; Operators, Gurus, and DeMos.

Operators have full channel access, and have the most 'authority' in the channel.

Gurus are members who hang in the channel often are and typically helpful in providing support to users as well as managing the channel.
