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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

How does PortableApps work with respect to font management

Submitted by neopium on December 18, 2020 - 12:45pm

I need to install new fonts and use them in MS Word or Publisher on my company's computer. However, I don't have admin privileges, so I have been looking for a method to do so.

I know I can install fonts on Windows 7 without admin privileges, by installing PortableApps.

However, due to security measures taken at my company, I can't install the application: non authorized .exe files are disabled for the users and the PortableApps website is banned. Moreover, I'm not allowed to plug USB keys on my computer...

Chrome update failure, 2 ways

Submitted by nolanoro on December 12, 2020 - 5:30pm

I just installed GoogleChromePortable_87.0.4280.88_online.paf over GoogleChromePortable_87.0.4280.66_online.paf, in 2 separate loacations.

In the first location, after installation, I launch it, but it crashes in a few seconds.

In the second location, it still shows the same error I've had with it for some time now thru several versions, "An error occurred while checking for updates: Update check failed to start (error code 1: 0x80004005)." I've never found a solution for this.


Submitted by Woozle on December 11, 2020 - 11:46am

Hello John / Hello Portable Apps Team,

why is Thunderbird not updated?
There has been 78.5.1 with a "high priority" fix for more than a week!

Please don't get me wrong, this is a friendly message, but also clear criticism.
You must update the apps that are in the frontline in terms of security as soon
as possible, you have a responsibility.

At the moment everything is different in the world, but if one fails,
then you need a plan B! (you always need a plan B)

Email Program Question

Submitted by robertcampbell on November 27, 2020 - 2:57am

So I have multiple email accounts both free ones like Gmail and Outlook but also ones I use with the domains I own. Currently I use Microsoft Outlook on my PC to manage them all.

My question is ........... Is there a Microsoft Outlook Portable App or is there a similar app that will allow Me to do the same thing via portable? I want to be able to use anyones computer with my USB drive and open this app and sync, send, receive emails from my various accounts using this app like I would be able to do via Outlook but using a portable App.


Submitted by astonhollywood on November 21, 2020 - 12:13pm

So I have been a longtime user of Portable app. I use mainly Portable FireFox and love how you can just duplicate and make as many FireFox as you want....

I have been facing this issue for quite sometime now and I just need an explanation of it if it's possible. I noticed that even though my main FireFox is uptodate but the portable ones always ask to be updated. why is that? do we need to manually update them and do we still need to keep the main firefox up to date?

Love the app by the way. Big Fan.

Apps download but installer does not do anything.

Submitted by GustavoPR on November 16, 2020 - 7:53am

I'd downloaded a lot of apps throughout the years. Lately, I'd downloaded the latest version of the following apps but after downloading the installer does not run (even trying as Run As Administrator):
1. WiseDataRecovery
2. WiseDiskCleaner
3. WiseRegistryCleaner
4. SUMoPortable (today's version)

I'm on Windows 10 Pro 17.09

Thank you very much !!!!
