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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Mozilla Prism and Webrunner

Submitted by ripcrd on October 26, 2007 - 4:35pm

Just ran across these today. They were linked from and
Looks like these packaged apps let you run the typically web-based app locally and use data from the web or run completely off-line.
What does everyone think about the usefulness of running web-based apps this way? And will there be a need to make them portable on a USB drive?

Portable Encryption

Submitted by chobo2 on October 26, 2007 - 2:43pm


I know this has been asked quite alot(I did a search first) and read most of search results.

I am hoping maybe that since some of those topics where old and long that maybe someone has found something new.

For the last few days I been searching for an encryption program but could not find any good ones.

Portable Encryption

Submitted by chobo2 on October 26, 2007 - 2:42pm


I know this has been asked quite alot(I did a search first) and read most of search results.

I am hoping maybe that since some of those topics where old and long that maybe someone has found something new.

For the last few days I been searching for an encryption program but could not find any good ones.

new posts

powerjuce's picture
Submitted by powerjuce on October 25, 2007 - 11:15pm

Hey, i really dont know who does the site so I am assuming it is John
Could we have the newer posts show up first so we don't have to scroll do the bottom to see them?

Simple explorer?

Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on October 25, 2007 - 4:52am

Anyone know of a simple Explorer replacement? When I say simple, I mean a Open dialog style one. For browsing files, I currently open Notepad++ and click File » Open to do it.

I'm planning to make a portable version of it, because it would so totally be better than using normal Explorer. If one doesn't exist, I might make one myself.

Portable voip?

Submitted by on October 25, 2007 - 12:41am

Okay, I realize that both teamspeak and ventrilo are closed sourced and their license forbids their modifications... but is there anything LIKE them that can or already has been made portable?

Sourceforge hosting for portable launchers for non open source apps?

Submitted by Bensawsome on October 24, 2007 - 12:16pm

I was not sure whether to post this in off topic or or in General discussion feel free to move it though. but I thought since it is about portable apps...
Since I created a version of insanaquarium portable and I am planning to do several other non open source apps (and some open source apps) I was wondering if I could just host the launcher of the app and the source of the launcher and just give a link to download the actual app on sourceforge?
Thanks for any info,

secured drives

Submitted by PilotBill on October 24, 2007 - 9:59am

Is this possible? I want to use a San Disk drive with hardware encryption and PStart. The idea is to have PStart in the unsecured section and upon starting PStart, have PStart “initiate” the login to the secured section. Also, any negatives in running either Thunderbird Portable or Firefox Portable in the secured section?
