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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Beta download page

tgrantt's picture
Submitted by tgrantt on October 10, 2007 - 4:18pm

Would it be possible (or a good idea) to have a place that list all beta-test software for download? I am aware of the potential dangers, and realize that it must be compartmentalized from regular releases. The issue is that searching the beta forum for programs that I might be interested in is time consuming and not effective. I guess I thought that something like the theory behind the AMO sandbox (although maybe not the practice) might be appropriate. Ideas? (Braces for onslaught.)

portable apps and privacy

Submitted by jps on October 10, 2007 - 3:14pm

It`s not a secret that you can un-delete files very effective with special programs for that unless you used secure deletion.

Let`s assmue you travel with your usb stick or usb harddrive. You trust the admin not to have installed keyloggers or something similar on purpose.

Now if starting apps from your usb device which was not portable by default but have been ported to portable by a launcher (like is doing so).

patch 1.0 to 1.0.1 installation

Submitted by thenemesis on October 10, 2007 - 1:13pm

i think this is the third time i have asked this question; sorry if you have read this before. i have installed the patch, and have noticed that the excutable located in the root directory still has a version of 1.0. if i access the program will i be taking advantage of the patch or do i need to copy the excutable from H:\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu and paste it in the root directory to take advantage of the patch.

Do portable apps use RAM Disk?

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on October 9, 2007 - 11:36pm

Because Flash Drives have a limited numbers of write/delete I was wondering if the Portable Apps provided by PAM use a RAM Drive to use as temporary HDD storage instead the flash drive itself.

Does anyone know a good way to implement it?

Hmm I just realised this might not be possible as a ramdisk would rely on an system file to be installed :/

Drive letter asigning

Submitted by jthiemeyer on October 9, 2007 - 1:50pm

I use my portable apps flash drive on several different computers and I use it mainly for Thunderbird email so I can have a full record of all emails I send whether they are while working from home or the office. I run into a problem with my signature though. I have placed my signature on my flash drive and told Thunderbird where to look for it but a different drive letter gets assigned to the flash drive on my office computer (E:) than my home PC (F:). Is there a way to permanently assign a drive letter to my flash drive??

dirty volume

consul's picture
Submitted by consul on October 9, 2007 - 10:35am

So I had my usb plugged in my computer when it started, and it got checked, like the c drive normally does, and it said the "volume is dirty". It works fine, but I wonder if I should be doing a defrag or disk cleanup on it? I know most folks say I don't need to do a defrag, as that just adds unneccesary wear to flash drive. Any other things one can do to clean it up or tidy the files?

Or by being a flash usb, it doesn't really need it?
