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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

What's the best file manager you think?

Submitted by cch on April 12, 2006 - 2:15pm

Well, as title.

I myself now have 3 file managers in my computer, temporarily.
Haven't decided which one to keep or delete yet.
I got:

2x explorer

I think a43 and 2x are portable, but I don't know the entry thing. OTZ
a43 is good, but not support some asian characters(unicode?).
2x explorer seems ok. not find anything wrong yet.
VAPOR, I can't find any info about it.
It's included in a shell software called Sharp-e.
You have to open the installed dir to find it, cuz it seems not the standard component of Sharp-e.
Vapor is a file manager and web borswer as well.
There's a button to switch.

ZIPs vs. Self Extracting Archives

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on April 12, 2006 - 11:19am

I'm considering switching from ZIPs to self-extracting archives for the app downloads. This wouldn't be an installer, just a standard self extractor created by 7-zip. Run the EXE, it asks where to extract to, you click OK. I think this will be easier for the less-technical end users. And it shouldn't impact any users on limited rights machines as it isn't an installer.

Any thoughts?


Submitted by Ashes for Tears on April 11, 2006 - 1:22pm

Hi guys! Sorry for the long absence; school, home, and a bunch of other responsibilities just came crashing down about my ears. I hope to find you all well, and hopefully I haven't missed a lot.


Good idea to back up your thumbdrive to PC *and* CD/DVD

Submitted by stacoma on April 11, 2006 - 7:03am

Just a suggestion Smile

When you hit that plateau of having set up your thumbdrive with most of the apps you want/need, plus other documents, etc. you want to save, copying that to a directory on a hard drive is a good idea.

But, also burning it to a CD (or DVD) is a good idea, especially if you are away from home on travel. If you have that CD (or DVD) with you in a backpack or baggage and your thumbdrive goes bad (or is which case your sensitive files are ideally encrypted), you can buy another and then have a way of getting the new thumbdrive up and running quickly. This happened to a friend of mine who was traveling in Europe and since he had a duplicate on a CD with him, he scrounged his Euros together and bought a replacement drive and was back in business quickly.

Working portable games (not crappy solitaire type ones)

Submitted by dyce on April 10, 2006 - 11:38pm

Doom! 1 and 2
you need the WADS though, and i use jDoom cuz its shiney. I also downloaded the old model pack (10mb)
the program does a autoscan for the wads
u might want to search google for zdoom, because jdoom probably needs a high end comp (3d!)

Truck Dismount
the dummy is in the truck and you can set up obstacles for him, like put jumps on, and make the truck go fast. get the highest score by hurting the guy a lot. they also have stair dismount where u push him down some stairs. its in 3d too, and it probably works on all systems since it worked on my laptop which had a 64mb of ram, some crap 4mb sis gfx card, and 500 mhz amd k6.

Nice site!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on April 10, 2006 - 1:26pm

You guys have a great site going here...I will be sure to tell all my friends about it! Biggrin

Aren't there a lot of games that are already portable?

Submitted by Ayavaron on April 9, 2006 - 6:01pm

I know of many games that are already self-contained and portable, so is there any reason why they aren't on the site?

ZSNES is a portable SNES emulater.

Nexuiz is totally portable and its a great game. Open Arena is also portable. There are really a lot of available games that are portable. So, basically, I ask why they aren't on the site.

Milkytracker: Portable music creation app

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on April 9, 2006 - 2:16pm

hi Wink

I want to recommend this music creation tool.


Fasttracker2 clone. Tracker style program for create music. Built-in sampleeditor.
Sopports following module music formats:669, AMS, AMF, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GDM, IMF, MOD, MDL, MTM, MXM, OKT, PLM, PSM, PTM, S3M, STM, ULT, UNI and XM
Export to: XM, MOD and WAV formats
