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Beta Testing

Testing of beta versions of apps before public release.

Open Arena Portable Launcher

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on March 1, 2008 - 6:49am

Open Arena Portable
Description: OpenArena is an open-source content package for Quake III Arena licensed under the GPL, effectively creating a free stand-alone game. You do not need Quake III Arena to play this game.

Category: Games


License: GPL

Size: 256MB Zip, 258MB Installed

- Extract the launcher to your PortableApps folder
- Download the Zip
- Extract to PortableApps\OpenArenaPortable\App\openarena

PNotes 3.5.0 - released

Submitted by lamer on March 1, 2008 - 6:14am

Hi all!
New version of PNotes is ready for testing. The program becomes more and more complicated with the lapse of time - I think next version will be called PNotes Studio Enterprise or PNotes Workshop Professional Edition Smile

(changed 08 Mar 2008 14:42 to RC1)

Well, what's new:
1. Added ability to create and modify notes groups via Control

My apologies and forget I was ever here, I won't be back.

Submitted by on February 29, 2008 - 4:44pm

Obviously even if there was a freeware section here, I'd be derided as a troll and eventually...once someone actually downloaded and tried my pack...I'd be chastised for not using NSIS and using different methods to make it faster and more simple (for some). I don't even see the need to use NSIS or any other Windows Installer standardized installer for a project seeking to make standalone packs, its kind of an oxymoron approach. If you can't deploy a standalone app with an SFX (RAR SFX being the most powerful), then you are using installers that, by their nature, touch the host OS.

Centralised Hosting

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on February 29, 2008 - 2:18pm

Thaks to Steve, we now have a place where everybody can upload his/her DevelopmentTestReleases. It is meant for everyone who doesnt have his/her own webspace and wants to share his Apps anyhow. Steve will keep an eye on it and remove old stuff so it doesnt get too crowded.
It even has RSS/email notification.
Just post all complaints/suggestinos here in this thread.

I think thats it for now.

Thanks Steve for doing this!

ImgBurn Portable (v2.4.0.0), proper PAM/standalone portable app package

Submitted by on February 29, 2008 - 7:43am

I keep seeing references to people saying ImgBurn is portable, yet nobody has really put it together in a proper portable app package. Well, I have. This is my first attempt at doing such a thing as I just recently became interested in making some USB flash drives using PAM and began to see there were programs out there that were perfect for PAM but not yet properly implemented, so I tackled one of my favorites.

I do realize the goal is to use open source software. While ImgBurn is not open source, it is freeware and very useful (it has a huge fan base).

ScreenSaver - Screenshot-Utility

Submitted by atreiju on February 28, 2008 - 11:59am

Hi all,

I make extensive use of the windows-screenshot function (pressing "PRINT SCRN" and "ALT + PRINT SCRN"), to share screenshots over IM or Email.

What i really hated was, that i always had to open an Image-Program like Paint of Photoshop to paste in the screenshot and then save it to a jpg-File.

I dont want to have a real screenshot utility running in the background all the time, and usually these applications are overloaded with functions i do not need. So i wrote this very simple and portable app bye myself.

Miranda IM Portable 0.7.3 Pre-Release 1 (Quick Test Needed For Thursday Release)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on February 28, 2008 - 2:46am

I've just posted a pre-release of the upcoming 0.7.3 release of Miranda IM Portable. I'm going the pre-release route as this new release will combine the ANSI and Unicode versions of Miranda IM into a single portable app. The launcher will automatically launch the unicode version on Windows 2000 and up and the ANSI version when running on Windows 95/98/Me.
