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General discussions of portable apps and news.

Pin To Taskbar not really working with portable apps

Submitted by therock003 on February 16, 2013 - 9:55am

UPDATE: Feature added to Platform in 2018

I have this problem where i pin the launcher in taskbar on win 8 but i get another icon running as well, since processes and launcers have different filenames. If i launch the process directly, it doesn't seem to load correct profile (chrome,firefox) and it launches a clean profile with no personal settings. What can i do so that the active window is the one on taskbar so i dont have 2 separate icons there?


Submitted by ZenMasterPool on February 15, 2013 - 12:15pm

Hi all,

1. What kind of font support does exist by PortableApps platform/framework, in order to make TTF fonts available inside PortableApps to become available to either PortableApps applications or to non-portableApps already installed in PC ?

Linux Applications

Submitted by anon_private on February 14, 2013 - 11:07pm


I am looking for a couple of applications that I can copy to a pendrive and will run under Linux, especially UBUNTU 9.10.

I would like use a light word processing package that supports docs, and a video package that supports the common formats.

I have tried to locate these packages, but the only ones that I have found will not run.

Thanks Platform update question

Submitted by ZeroX4 on February 14, 2013 - 6:42pm

so if i use Platform to update for example my opera
will i lose all settings like sites on which im logged in ?
or skin i selected or options in opera i turned on or off ?

or program will just update and all settings and modifications i made will still be there ?

and will that work for chrome and firefox too ?

or skype ?

so after skype updates via Platform i will need to log in again and again change options to my needs or will it all be like before update ?

#ilovefs day 2013

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on February 14, 2013 - 3:18am

As today is "I love Free Software" - Day, I wanted to say a big
"Thank You"
to all the developers here, especially to the founder, lead dev and hopefully recovering John T. Haller!
Although mobile apps, smartphones and tablets are booming tremendously, the last years have seen a steady increase in users who rely on portable apps every day.(at least thats what I read into the mounting download numbers and increasing load on this site ;))
