Convey / Expresso
Is there still a file association app I cant find one that is current on the app list?
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Is there still a file association app I cant find one that is current on the app list?
This bug report is a duplicate of #28715.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Portable Apps version: 10.0.1
Device: 4GB USB Drive
Cannot open On-Screen Keyboard Portable. The logo comes and goes away but nothing loads onto the screen. Rest all apps are opening without any problems. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but the problem persists. Tried opening it using the option "Run As Administrator" as well but to no avail.
Please help.
Just wondering if there are any opinions on dropping Frets on Fire from our list of supported apps. It's long since abandoned (2008) and doesn't work on Windows 7. There is a mod called FoFix which does work on Windows 7, but it's near-impossible to use without reading quite a bit first and it, too, is abandoned as a 4.0 Alpha 1 (2010). Thoughts? Anybody still use it?
idea: Encrypting portable apps menu or individual apps for security and protection.
The other day i was thinking what would happen if i lost my portableapps flash drive. all my accounts and user settings would be open for anyone to use.
my ideas are to have.
Can Portable Apps programs be run from Local Disk (C:) in Program Files?
I've been running the Portable Apps Maxthon browser for a couple of days. So I decided to download the regular Maxthon browser so I could spend more time to get familiar with it without turning my thumbdrives into toast due to excessive use. Everything was fine on the first day, the second day I ran the portable to change some settings I had learned & after removing it from the computer I started the standard Maxthon.
- update runs
- installation of new software
It would be nice if we had a "pause/resume" button just for download process (not for installation process ofcorse). Or you can put a simple textbox which gets the bandwidth speed limit parameter from user.
Would be very nice, is this at all possible in open source?
I just updated to Foxit Reader 5.3.0 and every time I launch it, there is a message box saying something about serial number and some addin not being loaded. And it even asked me to register, but only on first launch. Is it possible to get rid of this message box on every app start?
Hi All,
Just curious, has anyone tried using PortableApps via Google Drive to sync apps/data across multiple PCs?