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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

[Fixed] Website fixing - IrfanView Portable

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on May 5, 2012 - 4:29pm

On the IrfanView Portable page, the following text can now be removed, since we have the plugins available in PAF form.

IrfanView Plugins: You can download a zipped version of IrfanView Plugins to add features and functionality to IrfanView Portable. Just unzip the files to IrfanViewPortable\App\IrfanView\Plugins.

2 questions

Submitted by Stamimail on April 30, 2012 - 4:47pm

Can Somebody refer me to the right answers...

1. What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of portable softwares? When shouldn't I use portable softwares?

2. How do I know if a software can be made portable? Is any software can be portable?

Can the platform (with apps) be transplanted to other location(s) on the same, or other drive(s) ?

Submitted by JKB 101 on April 29, 2012 - 10:40pm

Would it be a serious mistake to
install PA in a location that is not a drive's 'root' (top) level ?

I think I read that
it is highly recommended to
install it at the drive's 'root' (top) level, but
I would prefer to install it somewhere else -
several levels lower.

Is that a very bad idea ?

Once the PA platform, & apps are installed,
can I simply scoop everything up, &
transplant it anywhere I want,
in the same, and/or other drive(s) ?

Thank you.

Standby issues with the latest FF and TB versions

Submitted by R. on April 28, 2012 - 3:40pm

I've filed already a bug report over at bugzilla about it. But they don't deal with the portable versions. They also seem not to be able to reproduce the bug in the regular install versions.

Both, FF Portable and TB Portable, since v.11, stop responding to user input after wake up from standby. Mainly drop down menus either don't drop down, or one can't scroll through the menus. Restarting both applications solves the issue instantly.

Java 6U31 How to use

chaitanyakumar's picture
Submitted by chaitanyakumar on April 27, 2012 - 7:44am

Hi All,

I have recently seen the porableapps site and started downloading apps from it. It is really helping me a lot and this is really awesome. I have downloaded Java 6update31 from portable apps and I have extracted it to a folder in my desktop. Now how can I use it? I guess I need to change the enviornment settings and point to this folder. But I dont have access to change the enviornment variables. Now can anyone help me in how to use this java 6 update 31? when I open command prompt and type java -version, it still shows the same old version.


Google Chrome Portable in locked partition

Submitted by markwm1 on April 26, 2012 - 9:05pm

I want to use Google Chrome Portable from a locked, write-only partition on a USB stick. However, an error message says this can only be done if the user allows writing to a temporary file on the host computer. I do not want to do that. Is there a way to change configuration or other files to allow such use?

How to Pin "PortableApps.comInstaller" to Start Menu

Submitted by ._. on April 26, 2012 - 7:06am

Im not sure if this has been discussed but i have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why the option to "Pin to Start Menu" is not available for "PortableApps.comInstaller".

Finally figured out the reason.. it contains the word "Installer".
which is prohibited by Microsoft.

To remove "Install" from the list of prohibited words:
- navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileAssociation
- make a backup of registry key
- double-click on "AddRemoveNames"
- delete "Install"
- save
- reboot for changes to take affect

Prevent AVG scan

Submitted by evan1123 on April 24, 2012 - 9:56pm

I use my portable apps drive at school quite often and the tech department has avg set to do a removable device scan. This is annoying for me because it has to scan all of the portable apps that I have installed. This process takes FOREVER, and I often just shut down the computer so I can get my flash drive back. Is there any way that I can tell AVG to exclude the portable apps directory or stop the scan without having access to the control panel?

Thanks in advance.
