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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Website suggestion - new comments more noticeable

Submitted by dboki89 on March 23, 2012 - 11:17am

Please make new comments easier to spot during page scrolling.

Rationale: Ergonomics. Topics with several non-consecutive new comments force user's eyes away from the main content to the right, in order to notice the red "New" tag while scrolling. On the other hand, if the background of new comments was given a very slight visual clue, a very gentle shade of red, the eyes and focus could remain on the content. Even while scrolling towards new posts, glancing over older ones makes it easier to remember what the topic was about, or what the other comments said.

Portable apps is it really safe?

Submitted by portableapps_member on March 18, 2012 - 1:49pm

I'm curious, what precaution is taking in the case of a said developer being infected with a zero day virus, injects/copy itself into an executable in a main portable program, and then gets redistributed unknowingly through the automatic program update feature?

How does a user know that they can safely update their programs without the fear of this happening? Are these apps being "portablelized" through a clean and secured environment?

Don't get me wrong, love the feature and apps, but really it's a legitimate question.

How to add a non-PAF program into launcher menu?

Submitted by Fullmoon on March 18, 2012 - 2:43am

Checked forum, haven't found anything relevant.

So, I have a few nice standalone portable programs and I just want to add links to .exe in PA launcher menu. No need to pack them in .paf (and some of them doesn't allow that, like password keeper program).

Is there a simple way to do that? Like an archive with complete folder structure and one file to insert path to exe?

Unable to run on Windows 7

Submitted by jruggiero on March 16, 2012 - 8:04am

Hello! My work computer now has Windows 7 without any admin rights. This machine is pretty locked down. I thought a workaround would be portableapps, however it will not allow me to run the portableapps app fom my thumbdrive. I configured it on my other machine, but still this work machine won't let me run it.

Any advice on a workaround for this ridiculous Windows 7 machine?



Had enough of portable apps

Submitted by reem_151 on March 16, 2012 - 7:18am

A few weeks ago I was raving about portable apps and how handy the platform launches apps and I can have my settings and bookmarks in Firefox. But recently there has been a lot of updates on a number of apps and now everything has been going t*ts up. Firefox keeps reporting that flash, shockwave, silverlight is out of date. I update and it reports that all is fine. The next time I use it, it reports that it still out of date. Now I can not update cos when I try it asks me to close firefox, I close it but it still thinks it is open. I tried moving the files manually, but still no.

cool edit pro 2000 can i make it portable?

Submitted by drugo on March 16, 2012 - 4:15am


maybe it's the wrong place , but i did not know where ask this question

well some years ago , i bought cool edit pro 2000

i love this program, Audacity is a good alternative

but cool edit is still my fav audio editor

now, it can work under xp and windows 7

but it was codec for w98se or w2000

i would like to make it portable because i don't want to harm w7 and xp
and because i'm a novice

well is there a tutorial to make a portable version of my legit old copy of cool edit pro 2000?
