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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

My portable apps all run on live mode in win7?

Submitted by Devildevilscle on April 21, 2011 - 10:42am

I tried, PAL, freeUPX, 2 apps i made portable, 7zip. . .
I observed all of them move their data on c:\users\appdata. Even if configured on launcher.ini
And freeUPX, even running on admin rights, wont work at all, though it run.
This things did'nt happen on WinXP.

Enable/Improve tracking PortApps updates

AEN007's picture
Submitted by AEN007 on April 19, 2011 - 8:36am



1) Is there no way to be sent an email when certain/selected PortApps have been updated?
If not, then I submit that many people would like to be notified when certain/selected PortApps have been updated; so maybe someone could implement that?
2) I also submit that many people would like to be able to see on the main "Applications" page the date of last update instead of having to click each link for certain/selected PortApps to find/see the date of last update!
Many thanks in any case ...

How To Replace the U3 Software on a U3 Enabled device

Submitted by alysher on April 17, 2011 - 12:48am

First and foremost you need to decide what you want to replace your U3 software with. there are several programs that can run a file on a different drive, but the one i find is MOST user friendly is an Open Source Program Called u3-Autorun not only is it lightweight it will also let you run ANY program that you want by simply changing the proper line in the u3-autorun.ini that you place on the root of your drive.

A PortableApp for the Traveller and his USB stick?

Submitted by englishman on April 15, 2011 - 6:06am

Just wondered whether anyone uses (or knows of) a utility, running off a USB stick that could:

1. Confirm that you have a live internet connection
2. Determines the IP address and then the Internet Service Provider of the connection is (helps if you need to use the ISP's SMTP mail server)
3. What Firewall and Anti-virus the host machine recognises as being installed.
4. What the Operating System, RAM and disk space available is.
5. Whether you are in an Admin user or not (helps to know if you can load your Truecrypt volume etc.)
