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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Zotero and other Research, Annotating, bookmark adddons

Submitted by DADSGETNDOWN on March 31, 2011 - 1:43am

I was looking at the addons that are similar to Zotero, The page for Zotero that tells about it does not seem to do it justice and tell or show the features I have on my version. Anyway anyone have good suggestions or better choices for something like this or is it Zotero is the way to go ? My College kids use need these types of things.

Removing PortableApps format from portable prgms

Submitted by sweetnuttin on March 28, 2011 - 8:59pm

Hi all,

I have MANY PortableApps programs that I run from my HDD and I was wondering if there is a set of certain folders and/or files that form the basis of the PortableApps format that I can delete since I am running from my hard drive and without a menu system?
Am trying to save as much space as possible on my disc!

Thanks a bunch!



Irc Apps

Submitted by DADSGETNDOWN on March 25, 2011 - 11:11pm

Hey there, I see couple different Full featured Irc Apps, as with many apps I usually look at the bottom of the page to see how popular or how many downloads it has had, maybe a ratings would be nice, but anyway, since they are a little big in file size (for me) in your mind which Irc is best/most popular/ ease of use etc ? would pidgin do as well or is it not as good or secure ?

general Probs with Updates and PERFORMANCE!

Submitted by Pberlin on March 25, 2011 - 5:33pm


I bought an "bigger" (8GB) USB-Stick, to have all my Prog's with me due to be abroad.
Unfortunately the speed from this device is so slow, that I can make Breakfest for 3 days before something is opening :-((. The Datasheet seems quiet ok, but if I perform any PA...,

Is there any way (other formatting) to come out of this? /OR have I to buy another (which) one??

2. Checking for Updates (in German..!!!) doesn't brought any Results, due to I'm sure there are some!! (Is it really necessary to check each and every Prog 1 by 1..!???)

Donation via Paypal

Submitted by full-stop on March 24, 2011 - 1:47pm

Hi guys, first time poster and have a quick question please as regards making a donation.

Although I have only used a couple of Portable Apps on an infrequent basis, I would like to make a contribution as these are really excellent (well the ones that I have used in any way).

The Paypal donation button on this site has a click through which eventually has my postal details ie full name and address. There was no way that I could see to remove the postal address (please correct me if I needed to look harder on that page).
