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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

cannot log into from two computers at once

Submitted by bpmackow on January 24, 2011 - 5:50pm

So last night, I was logged onto this website. I quit Firefox and shut down the computer w/o logging out of Today at school, I try to log on, and it says my password is incorrect. I know for a fact that I typed in the password correctly.

The same thing happened yesterday when I switched computers. I logged into the website from one computer, then shut down the computer without logging out of I turned on the other computer, typed in the EXACT SAME PASSWORD, and it didn't work. I had to reset the password, and I reset to what it already was.

RSS Feed Not Updating

Submitted by Micko on January 24, 2011 - 4:04am

For the life of me i cant seem to get the portableapps rss feed to update automatically using the firefox default reader. I have tried deleting all portableapps references in my bookmarks before re-adding it and even compacting the bookmark database afterwards. I am using firefox 3.6.13. Manual updates and other readers work fine

Also, i am using the httpfox addon to try and diagnose the problem. No connection is even made whilst all my other feeds update. Plus i get the following error when i visit


Submitted by keizer_or on January 22, 2011 - 9:01pm

I have an old laptop that has Windows XP and I would like to move it to Linux. What is the best version? Ubuntu? Which Portable Apps will work with Linux? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Clear Instruction in Creating *.paf.exe File

Submitted by zkil_pa on January 22, 2011 - 8:23am

Good day everyone.

I've read some thread regrading the creation of the said file(*.paf.exe) but i don't seem to understand it well.

So please give me a clear instruction on how to create or transform a non-portable application to a "*.paf.exe" file.

Let me start: I have an installer of an application, named "mine.exe", what are the steps that i should do to make it a "mine.paf.exe"?

Open Contacts portable v6.1.3.716 is released

Submitted by ocsupport on January 22, 2011 - 7:04am

Open Contacts is an advanced address book program for managing contact info of individuals and organizations with relationships. Distributed as freeware, the program was designed for people who need more beyond ordinary address book programs in order to improve dynamic interactions with contacts.

Please check

Portable commercial games list

Submitted by Cohan on January 22, 2011 - 4:45am

I wanted to find a list of commercial games that are successfully used as portable, but couldn't find one - so here I go.
Please fill in the list with games and info, and please start separate threads for any posts that isn't adding a game to the list.

Game: Imperialism
Genre: Turn-based strategy
Year: 1997
How to make it work: Just copy an existing installation to the PortableApps-folder

Ramdrives etc revisited

Submitted by jago25_98 on January 21, 2011 - 9:18pm

I don't know about you but I find Firefox doesn't always work so fast running off USB. Especially USB1 in old internet cafes.

This makes some plugins like Lazarus (form saver) unusable.

There's been talk of ramdrives and local caching in the past to speed things up. But the last I saw this mentioned was way back in 2007. is now down.

Has there been any progress on this since then?

What is considered "Modification"?

Submitted by LinkSlayer64 on January 21, 2011 - 8:36pm

A lot of freeware apps have rules about how to distribute them, whether it is allowed or not, and how.

I would like to clear the air/have it cleared on what denotes modification, and whether it is allowed based on the EULA of a program

Take for example Project64:
The authors are not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned, this software may be distributed for free, never sold in any way, as long as the original archive and software included is not modified in any way or distributed with ROM images.

(supplemental, from another file included)

Developer Wanted: WinWGet

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on January 21, 2011 - 6:04pm

I'd like to put out a call for someone to take over WinWGet. Currently, it is not functional on Windows 7 (and possibly Vista), so it will be pulled from the PA.c directory. It appears that it's simply a matter of altering the command line call to wget. It's a Delphi app and requires additional components installed like CoolTrayIcon and LockBox. It should work with just about any version of Delphi, but preferably older versions.
