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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Updater-Only Release Announcements, Google Chrome Dev 6.0.466.0

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 16, 2010 - 3:11pm

I've pushed an update to Chrome Dev and posted it to the Chrome Portable homepage. As this isn't a supported release really (it's dev branch so basically pre-alpha level software), it doesn't warrant a homepage announcement. However, I have it in the updater so anyone running Chrome Dev and the latest Platform beta will see the update and have it installed.

I was wondering if anyone had thoughts on any other ways to approach this. Of course, Chrome Dev is a special outlier case, so it doesn't really apply to much else. Themed Wallpapers for Wallpaper Swapper

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on July 16, 2010 - 8:43am

Has anyone created any "portableapps_wallpaper.bmp" wallpapers for the wallpaper swapper?

I'm sure by now the more creative of you have created some themed wallpapers for the Wallpaper switcher.

Would any of you like to share?

PA Menu

Submitted by spannclann on July 13, 2010 - 10:48pm

I cannot remember what version it was, but I know I was, at one point, able to organize my portable apps into folders. Such as all Office type apps into an office folder, all game apps into a games folder, etc.

What happend to that and when will it be reinstituted?


Reminder: Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 End-Of-Lifed TODAY (July 13, 2010) by Microsoft

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 13, 2010 - 3:40pm

Just a reminder that in accordance with Microsoft's software lifecycle, all support for Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 end today. That means that neither Windows 2000 nor XP Service Pack 2 will receive any further bug fixes or security updates as of right now.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 users should immediately upgrade to Service Pack 3, which is a free upgrade.

Portable Calibre and Update

Submitted by koenbv on July 12, 2010 - 11:15am

I am currently experimenting with the Development Test Resease of the Portable Calibre App.

It is using version 0.7.0 of the regular Calibre software. The latest version of Calibre is 0.7.8. Significant changes appear to have been made. I use 0.7.8 on my desktop computer.

My question: can I safely update the software on the thumb drive? How is the best way to do that? Should I use the update function in the launcher or try to download the .msi file and use that? How do I use the .msi updater if that is the best approach.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

VPN and timing out of the server

Submitted by weringpeter on July 12, 2010 - 6:24am

I seem to be having problems receiving and sending outgoing mail from thunderbird portable when VPN is up.
What could be the problem? When vpn is on I can not send or receive email.

It gives me the message:
"Connection to server timed out.
Sending of message failed.
The message could not be sent because the connection to SMTP server timed out."

I tried a couple different VPN's and so far only Ultra vpn sends the mail, but again it does not receive it.
It is also Ultra slow.

I tried the:

New to "Apps"

Submitted by Class59 on July 11, 2010 - 9:43am

Hello... I'm a newbie in using APPS.

I downloaded and installed the "EraseDrop" App.
Had a very difficult time setting it up.

Finally got it on my Desktop.
Turned off the PC and started it back up.

The apps GONE !!!

Already spent too much time on it.
TRIED to delete it via the ADD/DELETE programs in WINDOWS.

It's not listed !!!!

How can I delete an app ????

Thank You !!!
