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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

very important problem settles when they begin using nomadic applications

Pascal Raymond's picture
Submitted by Pascal Raymond on August 3, 2010 - 8:32am

Description des Assoc Dossiers principaux Assoc 'Key Files est un programme pour Windows qui permet de relier les types de fichiers à des applications d'une manière temporaire. Cela peut paraître une drôle d'idée comme ça, mais l'intérêt est évident si l' on s'imagine que les applications liées sont "portable" et sont sur une clé USB ...

Win 7 AutoPlay?

Submitted by Sekot on August 2, 2010 - 10:57pm

I'm sure this has been talked about and I searched the forums and found nothing but has anyone found a way to populate the Autoplay list in Windows 7 with the PA option? I don't mean run it just put it in the list?

Run Portable App from network share on Windows 7/Vista without static network drive

Submitted by mi6 on July 31, 2010 - 9:19am

Running a portable app from a network share (UNC, e.g. \\srv\...) and not a static mapped drive providing a drive letter (e.g. Z:\) can disable some funtionality on the app. I will explain how to solve this issue by using the example of FireFox portable.

For me, FireFox and Google Toolbar didn't work as I wanted: The search history was not saved nor was it enabled when running ff from a UNC (under Windows 7, but I guess this is valid for most Windows versions).

Remote Desktop Choices

Darkbee's picture
Submitted by Darkbee on July 29, 2010 - 10:40am

Being the tech support choice person in my family can be burdensome and so I'm contemplating having family members make use of some kind of remote desktop application. However, I'm wondering what my best choices are with a view to using open source and (where possible) portable software. I'm thinking of making use of some flavor of VNC however I'm wondering what the limitations are on the portable aspect of them. I'm guessing that admin rights are pretty much a must, and possibly "drivers" of some kind might be involved on the server side, so portability there is pretty much out.

Mollom Has Been Ditched

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 27, 2010 - 11:57am

I've ditched the Mollom spam filtering module that we were experimenting with. While it did block some spam over and above the bots we catch with reCapctha (used on account signups) we had users getting false positives and being blocked from posting. Unfortunately, Mollom is a closed-loop service with no ability to train it when it's wrong, which makes it pretty useless for our purposes. It's far better to let a few spammers through and have us mods deal with it than to block legitimate content without any way of fixing the situation.

does portable apps leave trace ?

Submitted by askkreative on July 27, 2010 - 9:28am

Hi everyone ,
I am working for an IT company where they are still using the old IE 6 and we cant update the application inside system . If i use the portable apps like Firefox and Chrome will they leave any registry into the System i am working , since that can be issue for me if they do scan of registry or system for any unauthenticated systems. Please confirm .

Thanks for your time and help.
