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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Thunderbird Portable 102: How to prevent the frequent pop-up messages to upgrade to 115

Submitted by sukhoi47 on August 2, 2024 - 8:17pm


Thunderbird 115 Portable is around, but with horrible changes in its interface.

I do not want to migrate from Thunderbird 102 Portable to the 115 version, but I keep getting very frequent pop-up messages requesting to upgrade it.

I already tried two procedures to prevent the pop-ups:

I renamed the updater.exe file
and created a policies.json at c:\ThunderbirdPortable\App\Thunderbird\distribution

What happened to the Musescore App?

Submitted by ajax on July 31, 2024 - 11:18am

When searching for new apps by Title or Category the Musescore App does NOT appear in the lists. However, I do have it installed on some of my portable drives and it has been updating somewhat recently. I can also find it on the website and can download it.

Is there some reason for omitting what I'm thinking is a normal and legitimate app from said lists?

Please reduce time for downloading and installation for updates

Submitted by f_guy2020 on July 24, 2024 - 11:25am

Guys, could you optimize the process of downloading and installing updates? Your downloads and installations take several hours on my notebook or my work computer. This is completely unimaginable. Is it possible to somehow reduce this time by orders of magnitude, so that it doesn’t drag on for five or six hours, but within at least one hour?

The Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool Portable app should be removed from the site

BuddhaChu's picture
Submitted by BuddhaChu on June 23, 2024 - 9:33pm

That business has been sanctioned by the US Dept of State and can NOT supply any software to any US persons, directly or indirectly (via this website).


Can a Registry key renamed/blocked

Submitted by Hansielein on June 14, 2024 - 8:04am


Is there a way to do that? I want to change:


Or just block the Access to this key. Is that possible? Because i have an old Programm which shows .rar files as empty folders, with that change above it works normal. Is it possible to just create an PortableApp out of it and change the registry key virtually?

Has ccPortable (aka CCleaner) become payware?

Submitted by occam on June 12, 2024 - 10:52am

Has CCleaner (ccPortable from Portable Apps) has become payware?

Until recently I had no problem running ccPortable on my Win 10 home.

When I click on 'custom clean' I get taken to a page where there is an offer ('use Pro version for free for 30 trial days') which I cannot refuse. Not accepting the Pro version means I cannot proceed with the cleaning. I'm blocked. Accepting the offer means I have to submit my Visa details to CCleaner, even if on a temporary basis ('30 day trial').

New user - help needed

Submitted by Rerih on June 10, 2024 - 6:36am

Very interesting looking software but I cannot find where it should be installed however.
May I introduce a few terms so I can better understand the architecture.
Source computer = My computer where I have all my apps installed/licenced etc.
Target computer = Where I want to run an portable app.
Cloud location = E.g. Onedrive etc.
Where should I install
On the target computer? But I cannot do that - not available to me.
