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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Customize PortableApps Menu

Submitted by iw2nzm on March 8, 2008 - 7:44am


I bought a U3 USB pen, after a while I discovered
I removed the U3 launch pad and installed PortableApps Smile

Just a question: how to costumize the folder links in che Menu? By default there are Documents, Music, Video, ecc... I want to remove them and put my own.

Marco / iw2nzm

Developers, Contributers, etc... Can We Use Your Real Name? Post Here.

Submitted by Patrick Patience on March 7, 2008 - 7:43pm

To make it look more professional, and for me just more normal as I'm not a big fan of screennames/usernames/weird e-mails, etc, we're asking if you mind us using your real name.

This applies to anyone who is contributing to the site in some public way, mainly developers, translators, etc. If you don't mind us using your real name for pages on this site, please let us know, and also post your real name. Even if you haven't released any apps, or done any translations, etc yet, let us know for future reference. Update (Week of Mar 3, 2008)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on March 7, 2008 - 6:17pm


Welcome all to another Update. It's late in the week again (sorry about that), so it's a mix of summary and what's coming. And I ran out of punch and pie. But there's a drinking fountain in the back somewhere. And a guy with a water gun filled with seltzer for some reason. Anyway, here we go...

Updating Current Portable Apps (Re-Completed)

Version numbers

Shawn Faucher's picture
Submitted by Shawn Faucher on March 7, 2008 - 11:49am

I think probably more than anything else in the PAF spec version numbers need to be clarified. Many of the Development Tests being posted have it wrong (or are being labeled as such by others), and even in some releases it is unclear whether they all follow the same logic. I'm going to attempt to list them all and relate them as I understand them, and list questions I have and hopefully we can get things nailed down by someone more in the know and have a clear reference to go by. Throughout this post I use GIMP Portable 2.4.4 Revision 2 as the example.

  • PAF Format Version

Help Wanted: Development Test Tracker

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on March 7, 2008 - 11:21am

We're in need of a volunteer to help track development test releases on a daily basis. Basically, you'll be responsible for monitoring the beta forum and then updating the Development Test page within the development section to ensure all listed apps are up to date. The ideal candidate has:

  • HTML skills as you'll be required to manually update the tables in the above page
  • been a member for at least a few months and has been active in the forums
  • not already handling a couple other things here at the site

Simple Batch File that could help you save on drive space.

nocr's picture
Submitted by nocr on March 6, 2008 - 4:37pm

I figured that, for those who do not feel like manually disabling thumbnail caching on every computer they use, this, if set to autorun, might be of assistance.

Modified from (They released it under the GPL)

ECHO Press any key to delete all Thumbs.db files
DEL /F /S /Q /A:H Thumbs.db

I hope people find this helpful.

Solution - Sharing FirefoxPortable and ThunderbirdPortable profiles directory with Linux versions of these programs

Submitted by EVBrown on March 6, 2008 - 11:02am

With a little work, I found a solution to a problem I was getting ready to pose as a question here. I thought I should share with others how I got this to work. It was actually more simple than some of the solutions I had previously read.

Perfect Portable Enviroment

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on March 6, 2008 - 10:03am

Well, almost perfect...

I'm using some applications that make my Portable Experience more streamlined. Some applications that are not necessarily are needed for PAM but make it more useful. Most if not all have been discussed in this forum and can be found here. Although it makes me wish I could have them more integrated into the PAM itself...

The user plugs in the Portable drive...

- Memory scanner: The first thing that happens is a scan of the memory for viruses. Set to scan only once a day or so.

Wikipedia Help

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on March 5, 2008 - 2:18pm

Hey all,

Recently I have been taking a look at the Wikipedia pages and starting to clean them up a bit. However I have run out of time recently and more still needs to be done to keep them decent, here's a list of stuff that I think needs to be done and I would be much obliged if someone (or many people) could sort some of them out.

  1. Cleanup of the lists on the page.
  2. Rewriting some of the sections on that page to make sure that they are from a neutral pov.

Hide system tray icons

Submitted by mckayc on March 5, 2008 - 1:43pm

I have searched the forums but did not find anything on this. I use A-Suite and have it set to start up a bunch of programs (mostly desktop enhancements) but they are all minimized to the system tray. I was wondering if any one knows of a app that can be used portably to hide these icons.
