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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

PA Themes

Submitted by Moeshun on June 13, 2007 - 11:57am

Looking forward to more creative Themes for the PA menu. Have customized a couple for my own use via Photoshop. Would like the ability to change menu text color if possible as it would give me more background color combination choices. Keep up the good work and thanks.

Why does it take 4:00 to log out?

Submitted by wheat on June 13, 2007 - 10:31am

This is my first post. Any help would be appreciated.

I use my Kingston USB drive with Portable Apps to run Thunderbird and Firefox.

I{ll use them for a few minutes. Then I have to leave so I quit all appliacations and the Portable Apps application. But I can{t eject the drive yet because data is being written back to the drive. The little LED on the drive blinks for 4 full minutes before Windows says it{s safe to remove it.

It seems like each time I use the drive, it takes a few seconds longer to quit.

Couple of noob questions.

Submitted by TURNER on June 13, 2007 - 9:11am

Hi all,

firstly, thanks a million to the portable apps creator(s), fantastic tool which I can no longer live without Smile

My issues, are as follows:

* I have downloaded a couple of new portable app menu themes, how can i install these? I searched the files and located (under portable apps-portableappmenu-) an icons folder, however no theme folder....??

Newbie here, duck for cover.

Submitted by RallyShotz on June 13, 2007 - 6:00am

Greetings all, just found this handy little package. Right darn clever too. But you don't seem to have many 'user' posts, just 'developer' types from what I've seen.

Finding it very handy as I'm a serious amateur photog and travel to Rally events. This lets me take my Apps with me, download from the camera, store and edit pix and email them via cyber cafes to websites and publishers. Added gimp for serious editing and it all fits onto a 30 gig laptop harddrive in a USB casing. Plenty of room for pix.

How safe is it......

Submitted by jaffcat on June 12, 2007 - 7:47pm

Can anybody tell me how safe it is using the application suite and portable programs form a usb stick in a cybercafe...

What can i do to protect myself when using public computers....

Cotton wool....flame thrower......

Thanks for any offers of help.


tremulous launches from drive, not from menu...

Submitted by stevenrushing on June 12, 2007 - 6:52pm

I installed tremulous to the drive and when I went to the menu, it would not run. I get this error:

tremulous 1.1.0 win_mingw-x86 Feb 28 2006
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:

0 files in pk3 files
----- CL_Shutdown -----
Couldn't load default.cfg

When I launch it directly from the drive, it works.

Autorun for PA

Submitted by Moeshun on June 12, 2007 - 3:15pm

Have a 4G Sandisk with U3 removed. Was working great with PA until I tried out Folder Lock. Short version, it screwed up my stick and I had to reformat it. I can load PA on it but windows no longer gives me the autorun menu where I could choose to run PA. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Just want it back the way it was. Thanks.

Splash Screen Save Settings

ZachHudock's picture
Submitted by ZachHudock on June 12, 2007 - 2:14pm

I'm sure this has been asked before too, but what settings does John use to save his splash images. I know it uses 96dpi, I'm just wondering if he uses the highest quality available or another setting. I want to create my own splashes, and a splash template for Have Some Patience's apps, not including the PA logo, but none of them come out as clear as John's, they all have lots of aliasing. Thanks for any help.

What Is The Correct Syntax?

ZachHudock's picture
Submitted by ZachHudock on June 12, 2007 - 1:35pm

I know these have been asked before, but after searching for an hour or so, I was unable to find a complete answer.

Question 1. What is the full, proper, and space optimized syntax for 7-zip command line to recompress all jar files in a directory?
-still lost
-can't implement it yet

Question 2. What is the full, proper, and space optimized syntax for UPX?
-Answered, thanks Ryan
-currently being implemented
