Working portable games (not crappy solitaire type ones)
Doom! 1 and 2
you need the WADS though, and i use jDoom cuz its shiney. I also downloaded the old model pack (10mb)
the program does a autoscan for the wads
u might want to search google for zdoom, because jdoom probably needs a high end comp (3d!)
Truck Dismount
the dummy is in the truck and you can set up obstacles for him, like put jumps on, and make the truck go fast. get the highest score by hurting the guy a lot. they also have stair dismount where u push him down some stairs. its in 3d too, and it probably works on all systems since it worked on my laptop which had a 64mb of ram, some crap 4mb sis gfx card, and 500 mhz amd k6.