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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Gotta go...

Submitted by nm35 on February 15, 2006 - 12:25pm

Since there's no off-topic forum, I'll post this here...

I have to leave for a while (long story), so I won't be able to do much of anything for at least a month...

See you all (but not that soon, I'm afraid)!

/steals Steve's ditto Wink

Ceedo & PA Observations

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 15, 2006 - 11:46am

OK, I'm a newbie at this PA stuff, so please forgive me if I belabor the obvious.

My interests in programs on a stick is primarily for computer service. Instead of installing Powerdesktop, Aida32, an AV, etc etc, I want to run it from the stick. My secondary purpose is to have some photos and mpgs on the stick for sharing purposes ("Hey, I just happen to have movies of the grandkids in my pocket!")

I stumbled on U3 and was all excited until I discovered the premium in flash drive cost and alleged performance issues.

About simultaneously, I discovered this website and Ceedo. My "flash drive" of the moment is a 512mb CF card in an USB adapter. I've ordered a 2gig real one. My OS is 2K with SP4. I have downloaded Ceedo, some of the apps, and PA apps and Pstart. My observations:

Usb drive - Not formated

Submitted by ASKRRA on February 15, 2006 - 10:41am

I have a creative muvo slim mp3 player 512mb, evrey once in a while when I was runing from it aplecations (Pstart, Thunderbird, Portable Gaim) I pluged it in to a new computer and the computer would claim it was unformated, and after that any other computer (diferent OS {all windows}) would claim the same. Formating the drive fixed the problem (and erased all info). The problem does not acoure when i dont run aplecations from the drive.
Also the Mp3 player still played the music (mp3) on the drive, when it was "unformated".

What do I need to Encrypt?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 15, 2006 - 5:02am

I notice there have been a few questions about securing data on Flash Drives on this forum recently, but this isn't really about how to encrypt, rather what to encrypt.

I want to use my USB stick to run Thunderbird, Firefox and NVU (as well as other apps) while I'm away travelling. I'll be accessing my email account, Webserver and secure websites using it in Internet Cafes. Obviously this means that there might be passwords, usernames etc on it, not to mention email messages.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 14, 2006 - 7:40am


I've tried to setup a Mac-on-Stick on a windows xp (ntfs) system but get the error message "unable to locate rom image".
The rom image is in the same folder as the mini vmac.
I followed the "getting started"on

Has somebody any experience with setting up Mac-on-Stick in a windows os and can give some advice?



Rant/Help Request For Miranda!

Submitted by iMartyr on February 13, 2006 - 10:48pm

Well i just spent about an hour trying to mess with Miranda and guess what happened.... i didn't get anywhere. Sure i can install some plugins and get my contacts to come up, and i can even talk to them, but we all know that is not what any person really wants to do with a program that boasts it is SOOO customizable and can do anything and look like anything! So after having problems for about 20 min i go to the forums to look for help, being a good minded soul i decide to search the forums first (as not to clutter them with a question i am sure has been answered) guess what i find.... Posts from hundreds of other users asking the same thing, and NONE of them got a flat out answer! Rude people on the forums that don't help anyone! BLAST IT ALL!!!


Submitted by anystupidassname on February 13, 2006 - 10:58am

This question could apply to many portable apps but I'm particularly asking because of Firefox performance issues. I'm running it over a USB 2.0 connection but everything operates slowly. I've tried increasing cache size etc but no dice. Wouldn't it be possible just to put a temporary cache on another fixed disk if one is found upon startup of the app and then delete that cache upon shutdown? I have at least 20 extensions installed which may have something to do with it too.

Proxy Get Utility 1.2

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on February 12, 2006 - 8:54pm

I put together a quick utility that will pull the proxy info for the current PC and display it on-screen. This way, if you don't have access to the Internet Connections properties, you can still get the proxy info for getting Portable Firefox, Gaim, etc working.

Get it here:

Source here:


Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on February 10, 2006 - 6:38pm

Soon to be released
Purpose: To auto generate paths on execution
Usage: Insert _DRIVELETTER_ then add the name of the file in convert.ini

What features do you want?
