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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.


Submitted by bluefoxicy on February 4, 2006 - 12:47am

Please remove the user 'albator' and any sock puppets from the forums through any means necessary. He's annoying, and I've been here all of 10 minutes. He keeps posting his web site listing "375 portable apps" on like every freaking thread out there.

If the user evades the ban, recommended steps may include reporting to his ISP; and if that fails reporting the massive amounts of spam to his host so they shut his site down. Retalliation by the user may be met by (again) the ISP abuse address, or by contacting your host and requesting they block the user's IP address.

Portable Suite doesn't fiton 256Mb?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 3, 2006 - 1:56pm

Ok, maybe it's just me, but I'm confused. I found the portable suite package, which says it fits on a 256Mb drive. And it should - according to windows, the entire extracted package is 214Mb. But when I extract it to my USB drive, I keep getting an out of space error.

I checked the size of my USB drive in windows (right click on properties, see general tab) and it says the drive is 244Mb (which is 256,507,904 bytes) which is correct, and which should (tightly) accomodate 214Mb of data.

I tried both extracting from the zip directly to the USB drive, and then extracting the files first to my C:\ drive and attempting to copy them over. Both fail - I get an "out of space" error.

Forum Structure

Submitted by RossGoodman on February 3, 2006 - 5:56am


Is it worth creating a structure in the forums that mimics the structure you have set up in the "Applications" area of the web site.
This means that people can post (and find) posts related to the revelant type of software they are looking for?


Interesting Little Gadget...

Submitted by Ashes for Tears on February 2, 2006 - 5:09am

Okay, as far as I can tell: no registry entries. Smile , Though I may have missed something. Feedback appreiciated. Smile

I use this tool when performing maintenence on my dad's computer. (He's a DBA, but just hates Windows, so I'm his "admin assistant" lol. He needs his comuter to dail into work.) Usually, when I'm running maintenence, I'm tinkering with my own, while anti-virus, -malware, -spyware, and defrag etc. (in succession!) are running on his. Problem is, he has a security screensaver going, and I can't be bothered to remember the password. Blum !!! So I just run this little proggie till I'm done:

HTTP-Tunnel Client

Submitted by redfive on February 1, 2006 - 11:11pm

I need a tunnel to do some basic things from my work network (access my personal email) and I've been running HTTP-Tunnel Client from my flash drive. It's been working well and I've been pleased with the results. Is anyone else in this situation and have other programs worked for them?
