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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Huge Software Suite

Submitted by Ashes for Tears on January 30, 2006 - 2:46pm

8) Check it out: Huge software suite of over (purportedly, didna bother to count Blum ) one hundred apps. Thing is though: 'bout 25% of the apps are in Italian, though I suppose you could hunt down language packs from the homepages of each app respectively. Another downside: Although the hybrid Pstart-like/Win98 Start Menu-clone is actually pretty nice, if a tad lacking in the looks department, it's all a mishmash of English and Italian. And, you can only get it from at the moment; the homepage website does not seem to have a download. Pardon

I'm posting my search instead of individual links so you can choose which suite you want, though personally, i went for Gold 8) Biggrin


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on January 30, 2006 - 10:14am

I need to know if I can run these apps, on my schools computers they locked everything I cant even install anything that I would like too. So would these apps work if I have them on my portable hard drive?

Spybot Lite (portable)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on January 29, 2006 - 1:36pm

You can make Spybot portable simply by installing it to your C drive and then copying the files to your USB drive. I've been tinkering with it lately, trying to shrink it's 11.5MB size on my USB drive. If you're focusing on detection and removal as the functions used on your USB version of Spybot, here's a list of files that can be deleted to reduce it's size:

1. All non-English license, help, and language files - This doesn't save much space, but it's better than nothing.

2. All files in the Updates folder except 'downloaded.ini' - It appears that Spybot retains the zipped update files even after applying those updates. I saved about 2MB by deleting them. 'downloaded.ini' keeps a record of the updates you've already downloaded, so deleting this will cause Spybot to think you don't have the updates you already have. 'online.ini' will regenerate when you check for updates. (The Languages, Plugins, and Skins folders will also regenerate when you check for updates, if you've deleted them.)

Proposal: Improved interoperability of portable apps

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on January 28, 2006 - 6:36am

Dear all,

I've become quite an adict to the Portable Apps system, and at the moment they are the main manner in which I interface to the net. I often end up using PFF and PTB side by side, and one of the little things that irks me is the way that they don't actually work together at all - rather they are just two separate apps who don't really know anything about the other. The main problems arise when you are trying to pass info from one to the other eg via http:, mailto:, ftp: commands etc etc. For example, when I'm using PFF on a friends computer, clicking a mailto: tag results in their outlook booting (oops, sorry!), and similarly an http: tag in PTB results in IE booting.. Neither are really all that desirable.

Self-Promotion is NOT Permitted -- Comments sought...

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on January 26, 2006 - 10:50am

NOTE: I'm working on a firm policy against self-promotional postings to try to avoid instances like the AppOnKey guy that was spamming the forums. I'd like some thoughts and opinions on the following. THANKS!

Please be aware that self-promotional postings are NOT permitted. The goal of this site isn't to let everyone promote their own products or sites. There are a few exceptions, though:

1. If someone asks a question that is directly relevant to your product then it makes perfect sense to chime in. Examples would be questions or comments about your product directly... or someone asking if anyone knows of a good product that does X and your product happens to do X.
