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Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

WirelessKeyView (Backup n Restore windows Wifi Passwords)

manolson's picture
Submitted by manolson on October 14, 2015 - 11:14am

WirelessKeyView freeware available Allows one to Backup n Restore Window's Wifi Passwords.

Very useful if migrating to a new computer.

The program appears to run as a single executable, so should be very straight forward to make into a portable app.

Any interest ?

LibreOffice Writer: Please add "Delete Page" Feature

Submitted by jonathan578 on September 26, 2015 - 11:32pm

Would you please add a "Delete Page" / "Add Page" feature to Writer? I find it frustrating that I cannot delete unwanted blank pages, especially after creating tables or typing extra lines of text that extend almost to the margin at the bottom of the page. I have to either modify the table on the current page or delete several lines of type. This feature is available in Impress and Draw, and the flexibility is very much appreciated. A couple of times, after I have converted documents to PDF, the unwanted pages would be sent to the printer as well.

Request to integrate TreeLine as Portable App

Submitted by whate_p on September 19, 2015 - 4:13am

I would like to see Treeline added to the PortableApps collection. It has much more functionality than other outliners (such as CherryTree - which is also great) as fields in the nodes can be set up to allow it to function as a portable database. It can run portably already and is open source, but it would be good to have it packaged as a PAF so it can be integrated into the portableapps menu.
