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Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here. (another, but better looking code editor)

Submitted by Wickster on February 12, 2015 - 7:53pm

I know, we have a whole lot of code editors now, but you can never have too much right? Smile

This one is called Atom. I believe it's open source. It's new and looks very modern, much like Brackets but not from Adobe.

You can find the app here:

And the source can be found here:

Thanks all.

VNC Client & Server... Again

Submitted by liar666 on February 4, 2015 - 4:57am

I really need a VNC/RDP server, as I cannot manage to make the one included in Win8.1/10TP to work... (and, apparently, some versions of Win8/Win8.1 simply do not include this feature!!!)

I've seen there has already been discussion in 2006 about providing a VNC (client?) in the PortablesApps platform. However, I can't find any such app when I search in my installation.

SimpLess - LESS (CSS) Compiler

Submitted by Wickster on February 2, 2015 - 8:50pm

Hi Everyone.

Anyone want to take on SimpLess? I do a lot web development lately, unfortunately not earning me money at the moment, but that's another story for another time.

Anyway, I just started learning how to use LESS and one of the tools needed is the free app called SimPless. I believe this will be useful for all those who is working on web development just as I am.

It's free, though I'm not sure if it's open-source.

True X-mouse behaviour in Windows

Submitted by liar666 on January 22, 2015 - 9:55am

Hi all,

I'm really in need for a PortableApp that allows the windows mouse to behave like under Xorg, particularly to get a simple way to copy/paste text, instead of the cumbersome C-c C-v.

I've used this one TX Mouse for sometime, but it's not opensource and updated...

I've just found another tool! XMBC, which is a lot more powerful and has a portable version. Unfortunately, I can't find any info about its licence...

I've also found AutoClipX but it's not free:
