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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Android SDK

epicness42's picture
Submitted by epicness42 on January 9, 2013 - 9:19pm

The android SDK should be available to android developers who want to make applications on-the-go. This in combination with eclipse and the JDK SE, will allow people to do just that.

Original Bitcoin-QT Client Portable?

Submitted by trust on January 6, 2013 - 5:35pm

I'd really want this. Even if I install it on drive D, it will download the blockchain for C. I can't believe such an essential (or hyped) program can still work only on C in 2013.

Here's a good recent article on the subject if you are still skeptical:

I need the original client, don't really trust/want to mess around with the others.

Cross-platform file tagger, searcher, explorer, and previewer

Submitted by mcandre on January 2, 2013 - 9:33pm

I use Mac, Windows, and Linux, but I use the same USB drive for all of my files, formatted NTFS. I'd like to tag my files in such a way that no matter which OS I'm using, I can search for my files, explorer them, and preview them the same way.

I don't mind using a special app for exploring and previewing, but I'd much rather integrate Mac Spotlight comments, Windows file tags, and Linux Beagle tags so that I can browse files using the OS's native file explorer program.
