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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Two-Panel File Manager, Freeware: Altap Salamander (formerly Servant Salamander)

Submitted by prtblpps2 on February 1, 2020 - 7:50pm

Name: Altap Salamander

License: Freeware, including all plugins, for both commercial and non-commercial use

Description: Altap Salamander is a fast and reliable two-panel file manager with an intuitive interface, viewers for all popular file formats as well as support for common archives, and has built-in FTP and SFTP clients.

OpenVPN Portable

Submitted by c-sanchez on January 30, 2020 - 2:37pm

I would like have OpenVPN Portable, exist some options there, but almost all are outdate or don't works in my Windows 7 computer Sad
Indeed is a bit weird don't found in the Apps list OpenVPN here.


Submitted by joedog38 on January 28, 2020 - 9:17am

I wanna see this nice open scorce datacatlog the website is I want be able put my movies and CD and my books cats log and be able view them on my memory stick


Submitted by junauwynck on January 12, 2020 - 5:06pm

Kdenlive is an acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor. It is primarily aimed at the GNU/Linux platform but also works on BSD and MacOS. It is currently being ported to Windows as a GSOC project.

Non-linear video editing is much more powerful than beginners’ (linear) editors, hence it requires a bit more organization before starting. However, it is not reserved to specialists and can be used for small personal projects.

Port to PAF request for one of my favorite 2FA applications

Submitted by Data_Phile on January 10, 2020 - 1:54pm

It is an android application (so porting it may be complicated), but it has a wide compatibility for different tokens, and allows you to import/export tokens/backups. It would really be convenient to use it from a USB drive.
