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WinBuilder script for soduku

Submitted by Nuno Brito on May 13, 2007 - 9:39am


I've just published a small script for the liveXP project from winbuilder which includes sudoku from

Also mentioned both developers on the credits section of the script and added a link to the respective portable app webpage on the description.

btw: There's a small typo on the sudoku description, look here: "Sudoku Portable is a an addictive"

You can find this script here:

Sudoku: Adware found

Submitted by pjoshua5000 on March 23, 2007 - 3:17pm

Spy Sweeper "Spy Installation Shield: found: Adware: maxifiles, version
I ran the program and Spy sweeper Ver Definition Ver. 885. Today Fri March 23 around 12:00 PM Arizona Time. (Note Arizona has no Daylight Saving Time)
I exit the program and ran it 3 or 4 more times and the same thing happen.

Sudoku: Sorry John,

Tim Clark's picture
Submitted by Tim Clark on March 21, 2007 - 4:01pm

I'm sorry John,

I had forgotten that there was a PAs version of SP when I was replying to that post about a different version. I had not played it for a while till a few minutes ago.

Is it completely done? [no more work being done on it]

It would be great if we could print the games.


Sudoku: number size

Submitted by SandFish on November 3, 2006 - 9:26am

Don't have your CAPS LOCK on when entering numbers. Then entered numbers are tiny (about 1/16 normal size) and locate in the upper-left corner of the square. You don't have to restart the game to change it, just toggle off the CAPS LOCK and overtype the small numbers.

mark finished numbers --- sudoku code

Submitted by benst on September 12, 2006 - 2:24pm

when I play sudoku, I mark the finished numbers. So, it would be fine to have 9 buttons to mark the finished numbers. What do you think about it?

I'm searching for "sudoku code" ...
It would be fine to habe a function to copy a sudoku code to clipboard and send by mail to a friend -> so, he can play the same sudoku. What do you think about it?
