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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

[Theme] Vistered Little Inspired

MrElchbau's picture
Submitted by MrElchbau on March 31, 2008 - 1:56pm

Last week I saw a page with a shiny minimalistic design, almost can't read it by enthusiasm. I wrote to the admin and begged for using it to a PAM-Mod Theme and a PNotes Skin. He said it wasn't his creation, but he gave me the required name. Windyroad wrotes: "Feel free to make any changes you like. It's a GPL theme."
I started immediately. Here's my transmutation:

VL Theme Set
PAM-Mod R30 to R31
286 * 479 pix

passing a string to the launcher

qwertymodo's picture
Submitted by qwertymodo on March 30, 2008 - 6:37pm

Hey, I'm in the final stages of a portable app launcher, but for one final configuration piece, I need to pass a string to the launcher from another .exe (basically, as a command line parameter), so basically the launcher would be called by the command "MyPortableLauncher.exe" -stringgoeshere

Basically, I'm passing the launcher an environment variable that exists only within the app itself and is semi-random (I think it's user-specific), and other weird stuff, so I can only get the string into the launcher in one of two ways, both involving passing via a parameter in an executable call.

X-Moto Portable Apps Branded skin? (i.e: Biker, moto, etc)

PieterK's picture
Submitted by PieterK on March 30, 2008 - 2:45pm

As you might know I made X-Moto portable. (It's currently in development testing)
I thought it would be pretty cool to have a PAM skin for this game. What i thought was something like this: a Portable Apps branded USB stick as a moto (with wheels of course) and a driver. (No idea for the driver a this point though.)
Example can be found here and a tutorial can be found here

Sokowiz Portable

Submitted by Jacob Mastel on March 30, 2008 - 2:29pm

I'm working on portablizing a game called Sokowiz. I noticed it was skinable and although I'm not super good at graphics I was thinking it would be really cool to have a PAM theme. Would any of our Graphic artists mind making a theme? It doesn't look like it would be too hard. It gets it's theme from a single .bmp file. Smile

recompile tarball with cygwin?

Submitted by Travis Carrico on March 28, 2008 - 11:27pm

how do i compile a c++ tarball for windows? not sure but it looks like i probably need to use cygwin to do it but it doesn't really have much helpful documentation. i'm trying to recompile Secret Maryo Chronicles after making a small change in the code and i just thought someone like Steve would know how to recompile it.

Just a quick question

Submitted by nmanguy on March 27, 2008 - 11:44pm

I have some time to kill every couple days, and a basic understanding of programming, so is there a guide that's a bit more detailed than the one at ? I want to see if I can take programs (open source, obviously)that are already psuedo-portable (like in a .zip or .7z archive), and just make a .paf out of that. Nothing special, just writing paths, adding a splash PA logo, and then making the .paf itself.
