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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Portable Perl

Shawn Faucher's picture
Submitted by Shawn Faucher on March 26, 2008 - 10:57pm

I'm in the process of putting together a portable build of Perl based on the fully open source Strawberry Perl distribution. The intention of this is for it to be placed in CommonFiles for use by other portable apps, like portablized Java is now.

Here's a little background on how strawberry perl is set up followed by my opinions on how to proceed:

Games, Programs, Etc. That rely on the Windows Registry.

Submitted by kronflux on March 26, 2008 - 10:21pm

I was wondering about this, because I'm talking to my friend who's doing a project for school, and part of it is, he's running a game to show his project's results.
the game he's running is THPS3(Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3) PC, and he was asking me if it would work to copy the program files to his portable hard drive, and run it off that.
I told him I assume it would not work, due to required registry files, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
if it did require registry files, would there be a way to emulate these entries without having to add them to each computer's registry he runs it on?

SetACL functions for AutoIt and NSIS

Submitted by wraithdu on March 24, 2008 - 4:33pm

SetACL -

SetACL is a set of routines for managing Windows permissions (ACLs) from the command line, from scripts and from programs.

Here is a function / macro that can be used to delete stubborn registry keys (like those left behind after driver uninstallations in the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACYxxx keys). At least a few people might find this useful.

AutoIt -

$setacl = '"X:\path\to\SetACL.exe"'

Func _SetACL_DeleteKey($key)
	; check if key exists
	RegRead($key, "")
	If @error  0 And @error  -1 Then

Launcher Not Using Right Reg File

Submitted by Devo on March 24, 2008 - 11:57am

I've been working on a Winamp launcher to apply a reg key for the pro registration. I previously posted about this here (, but decided to bring this up in this forum because it is more about development now. I've been using the PuttyPortable source and changing it so that I can use it with winamp. The only problem I have now it that the launcher will not use the registry entry in the \Data\settings folder.

Registry and the Admin

digitxp's picture
Submitted by digitxp on March 24, 2008 - 11:08am

I was trying to portableize a program that made registry entries in HKLM and HKCU. I was thinking about duplicating the registry section in the launcher to handle both. But it gets a little too complicated. Anyone know how to use NSIS to drop rights for a program? Anyone?
And while I'm at it, does anyone know how system::call works?????

program gathering info from a large logfile?

Submitted by Travis Carrico on March 24, 2008 - 10:49am

i want to be able to read fragmentation percentage out of a log file created by jkdefrag from my autoit script. is this possible and how could it be done. The lines i'm interested are burried in with tons of other lines and look like this:

09:32:55 - Total size of fragmented items: 680427520 bytes, 166120 clusters, 4.8814% of all items, 4.2249% of disk

and if it would have to read line by line would this cause the app to eat up a ton of cpu?
