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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Project: OpenDisc applications portablisation

Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on August 18, 2007 - 1:37am

I'm now officially opening this project.

The aim of this project to portablise each and every application from the OpenCDDisc. The current status of each is listed below.

  • App name - Status/Project lead
  • 7-zip - John Haller
  • Abakt - John Haller (Unconfirmed)
  • Audacity - John Haller
  • Azureus - Ryan McCue
  • Battle for Wesnoth - Geoff Shearsmith
  • Blender - Geoff Shearsmith


Submitted by IllusionofDemise on August 16, 2007 - 9:58am

For everyone who wants Claws-Mail made portable i am currently working on it and will relase it to beta section as soon as i get the first working beta done.

[Duplicate] Portable Web Page

Submitted by kingdom on August 16, 2007 - 8:15am

Hello all,

I don't know if such a topic has been discussed before. I search the topic discussed so far but could not find a close match to my request. My challenge is that I am developing a web browser application that can used to request data from USB human interface device (e.g. USB data acquisition device). My appication is a web page that access the USB device via an activeX control.

Need some NSIS help

Submitted by Darkness on August 15, 2007 - 5:13am

Hi I'm trying to build a launcher for an open source game. The launcher seemed fairly easy to build because the game only leaves behind one setting file on the host computer and that's it, there's no registry settings. But I've hit a bit of a snag I don't know how i'd go about setting a path to the appdata folder since it's location is going to be different depending on the persons username. Is there any sort of wildcard function i could use? if not is there anyway to get around this?

admin vs limited

consul's picture
Submitted by consul on August 14, 2007 - 6:04pm

I noticed that some folks that post programs here, make a note that it needs admin rights or not. As a policy here on, does it make a difference to the the creation of a portable app? Like we shouldn't post apps that have only admin rights or not? I mean I understand that it means that not everyone can use it if they are at a computer w/o admin rights, but other than that?

I ask because more often times than not, I am at a computer with admin rights.

ActiveX Question Part 2

Submitted by kingdom on August 13, 2007 - 9:30am

Hello all,

I really appreciate the effort of every one in this forum. I have really acquire alot from your postings. I am currently developing an application (ActiveX control), which can be to use to configure Human Interface devices through a web browser (IE7).

My application is running from a flash disk. When i logon as administrator, my application works perfectly. As a standard user, I cannot register the control.

need help with NSIS error

Submitted by pkeffect on August 12, 2007 - 5:31pm

This has been driving me batty for about and hour...

Error: resolving install function "InitVariables" in install section "Main" (0)
Note: uninstall functions must begin with "un.", and install functions must not
Error - aborting creation process

If anyone has any ideas please share.

How about a friggin Dummy Guide

Submitted by paedrigh on August 10, 2007 - 7:29pm

If I could talk with someone who's managed to create starters and get my stupid questions answered I'll write a Dummy Guide afterwards - a guide for those of us who cannot get it going with present information on forum etc etc.

By 'talk' I mean over msn. My msn is paedrigh -at-, add me if you feel up to the task (it will only take a couple of minutes).
