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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

equality sign in value

Submitted by madbayer on March 21, 2017 - 5:43am


i want to use RegistryValueWrite in the launcher.ini. The first value includes an equality sign. So the registry entry is set wrong because
the launcher is interpreting all after the equality sign as the second value.
How can i use a = in RegistryValueWrite and tell the launcher to ignore it?

thank you for help

Br madbayer

Having multiple "AppNamePortable" launchers for a single app

Submitted by An Apped decision on March 8, 2017 - 2:15am

I have minimal experience when it comes to making apps portable (though I have had some success with some smaller stuff), and while I have the basics down I wouldn't quite say I know all the ins and outs of the PAF format. I'm trying to make a portable version of an app that has multiple components with their own executables and I want them all to have their own launchers similarly to LibreOffice.


Submitted by Fadysa on February 10, 2017 - 11:15am

hi! Can you help me? I have a question. I want to do that before starting exe launcherI(portables programs) file runs as 1 bat and after closing as 2 bat?


Submitted by Fadysa on February 1, 2017 - 10:22am

Immediately apologize for my English, I translate through Google translator.
Have a questoin, seen a few projects (7-zip, chrome ,Firefox,PNotes,Thunderbird..) in which there is no folder "launcher". how it can be implemented in my project, can someone explain.


Warmango's picture
Submitted by Warmango on January 11, 2017 - 12:38pm

This is an idea that ive seen some apps do, Essentially the idea is that the Platform "auto runs" when the USB in plugged in. im curious if this is possible?
