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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Problem with PortableApps.comDocuments

Submitted by LucyFan on April 15, 2015 - 3:07pm


I am trying to set the documents folder in a launcher and am using %PortableApps.comDocuments%, the portable apps menu is a local install so the documents path is C:\users\UserName\Documents but the PortableApps.comDocuments variable returns C:\Documents which does not exist.

How is the variable derived?


Delete a file with the launcher

Submitted by LucyFan on March 31, 2015 - 10:16am


I know you can move files, and remove directories but is it possible to delete a file.

I have a piece of freeware that appears to be no longer supported and am making a launcher for my own personal use. The program list items as a directory tree and remembers it's state by the use of an xml file in it's root directory. I would like to delete this file so the directory tree is always closed (first use) I can do it manually without any adverse affects on the software and wondered if a launcher could delete the file either before or after launching the program?

Launcher DirectoriesMove on locked folder

Submitted by dansmith65 on March 20, 2015 - 4:07pm

I was just testing which moves the user folder to app folder on launch. For some reason, the Data\user directory is currently locked and can't be deleted/moved/renamed. The result was that an empty App\SciTE\user directory was created, then when the app ran, it put some default files in that directory.

Need help

Submitted by terra666 on March 14, 2015 - 6:22am

I need to move a certain folder when the program is running on a 32-bit system and a different folder when on 64-bit system. Lets call them folder_32 & folder_64 respectively.

Please make this Portable?

Submitted by pinso on March 4, 2015 - 2:01pm

Hello folks,
i am new to this forum and although i don't actively participate in the discussion on making portable application, since i lack the knowledge and know how or the craft of making one.
But i do visit it actively and download some tools, to my liking.

However now i realize how important it really can be after looking and observing many things.

So i have a application in mind, which i want to have it made portable. They are:
1)1st Mass Mailer:

Execwait problem when calling launcher within launcher

Submitted by concept303 on March 3, 2015 - 6:05pm

Hello all,

I have recently started with PAF development and quickly stumbled upon this problem after my first 10 or so portables.
Please note that I do not use the launcher and ini files, I write straight NSI scripts.

The problem happens with a game which has 2 exes A and B. A acts as a launcher that launches B and then exits. The game does not allow you to start immediately from B. If you try, you get an error message indicating that you should start the game by double clicking A.exe.

I guess you can see the problem.
