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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Dock as launcher?

Submitted by markeight on September 1, 2012 - 9:05am

I was wandering why not to develop/use a dock as a launcher for our portableapps suite...
It could be a "plus", not a menu replacement, but a dock is more friendly than a start menu i think.
Does anyone ever thought about it?? Smile

[Bug] PAL needs to be able to disable Wow6432Node redirection

Bennieboj's picture
Submitted by Bennieboj on August 25, 2012 - 7:01am

Hi all,

I have a problem with the registry.
I have a game that writes into install=HKLM\SOFTWARE\makername\gamename.
The backup and restoring using PAL all works on Windows 32 bit, but on a 64 bit it goes into HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\makername\gamename.
The game can't find it: errors, nothing works anymore.

So I thought to use custom code to disable redirection with "SetRegView 64".
I don't know if it works, since I don't know how to do the backuping, importing and restoring in NSIS, like PAL does.

That's the problem and what I tried so far.
Any help please?

magic launcher

Submitted by zzzhead on August 18, 2012 - 1:44pm

my name is nick.
im new to this. there is an app i would like tomake portable. its a special launcher for minecraft called the magic launcher. could someone please help me make this a possibility

How to become a PortableApps contributor

WetHat's picture
Submitted by WetHat on August 17, 2012 - 2:52pm


The app store integration with the portable apps launcher (Get More Apps; Check For Updates) is a fantastic idea. Now, as I've started to portabilize a number of apps for my personal and professional use such as:

  • MediathekView: A portable java client to watch and download German free-tv
  • MitTec Icon Explorer: A tool to extract icons
  • CPU-Z: A system information tool

OpenJDK status

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on August 16, 2012 - 3:07pm

John, et al.:

I'm planning to put up a dev test of the Android SDK, but it requires openJDK to run.

Accordingly, I'm wondering as to the status of OpenJDK Portable. The last reference I've found to it is in the Eclipse 3.7.1 thread, where it has been indicated as being in testing. Are there any updates that can be made at this time, or should I be bundling the JDK for now?

Question about TrueCrypt

bill_gagliardi's picture
Submitted by bill_gagliardi on August 10, 2012 - 1:58am

According to the website, TrueCrypt claims to be open source, but it does not appear to be a GPL license. It is stated at the top of the page here. As such, does one need to get permission before creating a launcher, and posting it here? I wasn't sure because it's not GPL, AFAIK. Thanks...
