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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

New developer seeking advice

Submitted by endlesssummer42d on February 29, 2012 - 7:31am

I'm attempting to create a portableapps launcher for a small program that is already portable, ie it can be run from anywhere and it makes no registry changes nor does it change any files/folders outside it's own folder.

In creating the portableapp, should the format specification be adhered to regarding storing the user settings and such in the 'Data' folder? Or is it enough to leave the program and let it run as-is in the 'App/AppName' folder?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer

How can I write this path in XML?

Pyromaniac's picture
Submitted by Pyromaniac on February 28, 2012 - 8:32pm

So I'm trying to deal with 3 XML settings files in JStock Portable that require a path. Here's the important stuff from all of them:

...\module\project.xml (the whole file)

  <directory>[%USERPROFILE%\.jstock\1.0.6\module should be written here]</directory>

Custom Code for Launcher - Solved

vf2nsr's picture
Submitted by vf2nsr on February 26, 2012 - 9:45pm

I am looking to create a custom.nsh file to handle some things in a launcher. I Know that he PortableApps Launcher has part of the feature but I need to disable it for speed sake. Here is what I have so far but does not seem to accomplish what I am wanting.

!macro CustomCodePost
    # The following attempt at a custom code was created by Patrick Powell
	# Who is a PorableApps Developer whose current list of apps is located at

FilesMove Problem

Submitted by GothicDeath on February 26, 2012 - 6:19pm

hi guys. I'm trying to get filesmove to work but. I just can't figure it out.
I need to move the file "burnaware.ini" from C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming (yes the ini is lose in the roaming folder), to the Portable app "data" folder. If anyone can help that would be great.

I have this in my ini file.


ESR version of firefox and thunderbird

Submitted by Totoche on February 26, 2012 - 4:56am


I want to know (and possibly ask) if it's expected that you proposed ESR versions of firefox and thunderbird portable ...

The development cycle of six weeks (and even 4.5 in this case if you see the 10.0.1 and 0.2 versions) is much too short for me and others I think ...

My problem is that I really have a nomadic use of my key and often the updates are launched when I work on several differents pc with differents safety rules, differents firewall filters and often short time.

Video Tutorials - Portable App Development?

Submitted by Gayan Perera on February 22, 2012 - 11:15am

Just want to know whether there are any video tutorials that give us an idea of how to create a portable app in the PortableApps specifications

If not, could someone please create one on any program, so that we can get an idea on how to make an app with the PortableApps specifications

(I know there are manuals here -; but there just seems like there is so much to read, and it can get a bit confusing for people like me, who have basically no programming knowledge - (Or maybe I am just lazy Smile )

Thanks - I hope someone can help

How Can I Make This Program A Portable App?

Submitted by CountryBoy on February 19, 2012 - 3:10am

I don't know where to post this so I will put it here. If any moderators know of a better place, please move it.

I have SoftMaker 2008. The entire program can be copied to a thumb drive. I have done this and it works great. But, I have to go to the drive lettr itself to click on the program to get it started.

Is there any way to get a startup link on the main screen of Portable apps? Or is there any way to just MAKE it a portable app?
