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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Question regarding the section [DirectoriesToPreserve] in the file installer.ini

Submitted by tapsklaps on January 18, 2012 - 11:45am

If the relative path contains spaces, must I then use quotation marks as follows?:

PreserveDirectory1="App\AppName\big folders"

Or can I omit the quotation marks? Or is it possible to use the following code with a slash sign at the end of the code?

PreserveDirectory1=App\AppName\big folders\

XP - Read Only Problem

Submitted by eager on January 17, 2012 - 10:30pm


I'm not sure what the most appropriate place is for me to post this problem so I would very much appreciate it if you could please share that with me?

I'm trying to change the permissions for Portable Google Chrone from
Read Only in XP Pro.

I've accessed Administrator as well as regular user to change it but
it's not retaining the changes.

There's a green box inside a larger box next to Read Only. I can
remove that green box and click Apply where it prompts me to apply to
all folders and sub-folders with I do next to that option. I click
Apply and then OK.

[Won't Fix] PAL - If user updates from non-PAL portable app wo/Data\settings to PAL version, their data is wiped

The MAZZTer's picture
Submitted by The MAZZTer on January 12, 2012 - 10:07pm

Since PAL looks for Data\settings to determine whether or not to copy over the DefaultData, it can clobber existing data if that folder does not exist (because the old launcher did not use it).

In addition, if the user installs a PAL portable app and then sticks their own profile in without launching it, PAL will corrupt and/or wipe it with DefaultData.

Hacking Toolbox

hell-zerg's picture
Submitted by hell-zerg on January 12, 2012 - 5:17pm

It's a toolbox with various hacking programs that will help you very much!

Download it here:
[link removed by moderator Zach Thibeau. "hacking tools" doesn't sound good nor do I think acceptable on these forums.]

[Feature Request] PAL - Mechanism to abort in Pre, PreExec

The MAZZTer's picture
Submitted by The MAZZTer on January 11, 2012 - 12:05am

Example: In Google Chrome Portable with Portable Passwords enabled, if the user enters the wrong master password or hits cancel, the launcher should abort.

Right now this is only possible with the Abort keyword in the Init function. Anywhere else and you have missed cleanup work! The Init function of course runs before the splash screen, and before the checks for secondary launch and crash detection, making it less than ideal for some of the stuff you might want to do there (in my case, show a password prompt on the primary launch).

[Closed] KeepNote: Failure to load

Submitted by g.jacobse on January 10, 2012 - 10:43am


Downloaded the app via the link provided above. I get the Portable App splash screen in B&W and then nothing. I checked my processes, but don't see any new items shown.

I had my brother also download it and try it with the same result.

We are both running Win XP Pro SP3.

Thanks for building the app!

[Closed] PAL - ${SetEnvironmentVariablesPath} cannot accept a string with a " in a parameter

The MAZZTer's picture
Submitted by The MAZZTer on January 9, 2012 - 8:18pm

In said macro, we see this:

Push "${_PATH}"

This results in Push believing it has multiple parameters due to the " being interpreted as an end string. It needs to be escaped somehow or something.

My band-aid fix was to do this to my local copy:

Push `${_PATH}`

Obviously the same problem, just less likely to run into it due to the uncommon use of the backtick character. Any other macros in PAL may suffer from the same problem.

Meaning of a statement in the documantation regarding the section [RegistryKeys]

Submitted by tapsklaps on January 9, 2012 - 6:51am

In the documantation regarding the section [RegistryKeys] I found the following statement:

If you do not wish to save the data of the registry key to a file but only want to keep it safe and throw away any changes, set the “file name” to -, so you end up with -=registry key location.

I've been thinking about the meaning of this statement.
