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Firefox Portable

Looking for a specific version of the FF portable app

Submitted by ian.l on April 23, 2012 - 2:36pm

I just started using the portable app version of Fire Fox so I can use older versions for developing a web app. But I can only download a few older versions. I would really like to get an install for version 4, 5 and 10. Are those versions available some where?

any help would be appreciated,


Something "took over" Firefox.

Submitted by tvme on April 23, 2012 - 9:05am

And I think it was you guys...

I have version 3.0.16. I DO NOT want your new versions, thank you.

This morning I was hijacked to a page saying my version was out of date. The despicable thing even used "tabs".

This spyware/update/malware/virus:

Added line at the top with "Most Visited", "Getting Started", and other useless garbage.

Added a "Wick-i-garbage" box.

Changed my settings to allow BOTH Java and Java script!!!

Firefox/FirefoxPortable: how to understand which one is open?

Submitted by michele.bartole... on April 20, 2012 - 11:10am

Dear users,

a couple of days ago I setted my FirefoxPortable exactly as my pc-located Firefox: I imported on FF Portable all the preferences from FF "Regular".

Now it's hard for me to immediately understand if the open window of the browser belongs to the "Regular" or to the Portable version.

Of course I could modify a little detail on one of them (change the position of a bookmark in the bookmarks toolbar, change graphical theme ecc. on one of them), or open the task manager to verify if FirefoxPortable.exe is working.

Portable Firefox starts with regular Firefox settings

Submitted by lschlesinger on April 18, 2012 - 2:22pm

After working right when I first installed it, I invoked Firefox Portable (on Windows 7) and found myself looking at what appeared to be my regular Firefox browser, based on the tabs I had open and other settings. I checked Task Manager, and it was really tbb-firefox.exe that was running. I searched the support site, and based on advice I found there I went into \Tor Browser\FirefoxPortable\Data\settings and renamed the FirefoxPortableSettings.ini file, then reran Firefox Portable, and it worked as expected.

Firefox bookmarks not showing when link clicked within Thunderbird

Submitted by InnerCynic on April 1, 2012 - 2:10pm

As this is something I notice within Firefox I'll post this here even though it is also related to Thunderbird. This is an interesting albeit frequent annoyance. TB has no problem launching the FF app from a link within an email message but once FF launches all of my bookmarks are no longer visible. What I do get is the equivalent of another profile where I can bookmark etc. If I launch FF directly this is not a problem only when launching from within TB. Can't speak for other apps as I haven't attempted to test that out. Anyone else seen this?

[Closed] v11 keyboard typing issues

eskro's picture
Submitted by eskro on March 30, 2012 - 3:19pm

Hi guys, im trying to find an answer for my issue
but i had no choice but to ask here now,,,

i was using firefox portable v10 for quite some time
and all was perfect...

now i saw v11 and i downloaded it,
ported all my profile from v10 to my new v11
and all seemed fine...

but now, my keyboard keys appear incorrect in v11 ...
like when typing like i do now,
i can't make apostrophes using the same keys like in v10 ...

same for The at sign --> @

in FF v10,
which i still have till i resolve my issue,
i only have to hit CTRL + ALT + 2
to make The at sign..

Flash as extension, not plugin?

Submitted by gracie on March 26, 2012 - 8:41pm

I've posted before about not being able to use the latest Flash plugin in Firefox portable for You Tube videos; nothing's worked except using the older plugin (10.0.32) which isn't really secure. That works fine, though. In reading the installation directions on this site, it mentions an extension you can use instead of a plugin, but the link there is dead. Is there still a current .xpi, and if so, I'm willing to give it a try if someone can share the link here. Thanks.

Firefox Portable creates some empty folder on host computer [SOLVED]

Submitted by anonymous_person on March 23, 2012 - 12:30pm

When I run Firefox Portable, a Mozilla folder is created under %APPDATA% with the following structure:

--->Crash Reports
---->InstallTime20120312181643 (file)

Its not personal information however how can I stop it?

Nothing above V8 Works - McAfee Stops

Submitted by zosobao5150 on March 23, 2012 - 8:03am

Whenever I try to update or do a full reinstall beyond version #8, McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention (at work) stops the application from running. The message type is "Attack Type: Suspicious Function Invocation." I do not get this error with anything at or below v8.0

On my home computer, Firefox 11 works fine from the USB.

Thoughts on something that I could fix? (other than stopping McAfee)

