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Firefox Portable

FireFox hardware

Submitted by PDD on March 2, 2007 - 8:29am

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone has used portable FireFox and an external 2.5" HDD. I have FireFox on a ThumbDrive but its slow as the read/write speeds arn't the best. I was contemplating getting a dual channel ThumdDrive but would this be fast enough?


Firefox Extensions have disappeared

Submitted by portab1e on March 2, 2007 - 5:41am

Ok, I admit, I did something I shouldn't have..

I started Portable Firefox (on my PC where I use it, not on a usb stick) and got a helpful Extension update notification. 3 of my extensions had found themselves updates.

Something came up and I wanted to shut down Firefox a.s.a.p. so what I did is wait until the last extension update progress bar was finished, and Firefox was asking me to "Restart?" then I hit the cross on the topright corner of the update window, and er..

Changing Names in PAM

Submitted by Patrick Patienc... on February 28, 2007 - 10:17pm

This is regarding the recent versions of Firefox Portable & Sunbird Portable released today and yesterday I believe. NORMALLY, in order tro change the name of an app in the PAM, you would just go find the program and rename it, however, for the new versions of the Mozilla Programs, I cannot...

Firefox, is listed as:

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition

Sunbird is listed as:

Mozilla Sunbird - Portable Edition

I know WHERE the name is, just I do not know how to change it, the programs are named as follows:

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition*


Submitted by epmatsw on February 28, 2007 - 10:08pm

I seem to be having a problem with my extensions. All of them say "Requires additional items. Disabled for your protection" even the ones that work. Some of them don't show up in the browser at all. Any suggestions?

How to select the HDD to run from a CD

Submitted by Billo on February 28, 2007 - 7:27pm

When I run PFF from a CD it copies itself to a HDD and runs from there.
How do I select which drive it runs from?

The problem is that when undeleteing the local C drive and using PFF to view HTML help files etc on the bootable CD, I do not want PFF to install itself onto C drive and possibly overwrite deleted files.
I want it to use either B: ramdrive or E: USB HDD.

Erasure of settings

Submitted by blackwolff on February 28, 2007 - 4:51pm

I last used my Firefox Portable (2.0) yesterday and it automatically downloaded an update then asked me if I wanted to update it then. I said no and it told me it would do this on the next operation.

I closed the program later and removed the drive. This afternoon I inserted the drive into a computer (the same one I was using previously) and Firefox came up with a completely new install. ALL of my settings, extensions, and bookmarks had been erased without a trace. No, I hadn't backed them up because I'd never had any need to do this previously. bad firefox?

Submitted by 04nunhucks on February 27, 2007 - 1:10pm

Hi, I have been using ffx for a few hours now and its condition is not good.

The whole internet is slowed down whils using ffx, the images link on google ffx homepage does not work and pages load very slowly.

Has anyone encountered this behavior?
