Updated as of November 24,2012 of my Apps here on the site.
- AquaSnap
- Quick Cribbage
- Quick Poker
- Quick Bridge
- Quick Solitaire
- Zaz
- RedNotebook
- Ice Breaker
- Jarte
- FotoSketcher
- Quick Blackjack
- SpeedyFox
Current developmental Apps
- TB Tray 1.2
- USB Disk Ejector
- AusLogics Disk Defrag Portable Online installer
- LibreCAD
- Jig Saw Puzzle
- Cannon Smash
- Jajuk
- Launchy
- Penguin Command
- LBreakout2 Add-Ons
- Virtual Moon Atlas
- Lexjongg
Stuff I made and am not sure what I am doing with
- PAGoosy
- Google Systray
- Earth Clock
- XRadio
- Java Scientific Calculator
- Pouet Chess
- Casino Blackjack
- Jsmooth
Made but never released
- vf2nsr's blog
- Log in or register to post comments
Try this. It doesn't have the
Try this. It doesn't have the fancy formatting, but I'll post that tonight.
there I tried it but top table and bottom table not linig up Even tried tweking it in Kompozer and still no joy
OH well thanks
I did it
I think
oops how did I get the fb twitter etc stuff?
You haven't destroyed it,
You haven't destroyed it, they are on all blog posts as far as I can see.
Try this
TYVM now I better not make anymore apps cause Not sure I can figure how to enter new data lol Thanks again Kalug
It's not tabular data. Therefore it doesn't belong in a table like this.
Delete the whole blog you have the power to do it.One day I hope I actually do something right in your eyes Chris because the only time I get posts from you is when I am wrong
Tabular data
WoulD you like tables like Pyromaniac and I have, with categories, description & base app links? I can post the code for you if you'd like.
How about something simple like the outdated apps page: https://portableapps.com/node/19705
Just STRONG for the 'headers' and simple UL unordered lists with LI for each element. Just be sure to close your ULs after each set (that was the issue with your original post that I stealth-fixed
). If you're having trouble, I'd be happy to help 
All I wanted
Was something that looked nice, had info, does not require me to scroll a page on laptop to see the main contents. Maybe I think outside the box? I know tables are not the real official way to have it. Technically speaking But I see no reason why if something works it can not be used? I remember when I needed to create paper forms for a job I had. No matter what I did they looked like garbage. So I thought outside the box. Ended up creating them in Excel. Were they spreadsheets? Nope. Did it accomplish the end result I wanted? Yes. Was boss happy with finished product? Yes.
John I know it was "fixed" But the effect I w anted originally was the effect I got it was in an Outline stepped format. Was my method of doing it wrong, probably, but the look was what I wanted. Guess what I am asking is although technically my methods are incorrect the final o ut come achieved what I wanted.
So at this point I give up, I have tried and tried to conform to standards that I guess I never will be able to confirm to. I have busted my butt doing what I like, and the end results just cause me more hassles. I Labor hours and hours to make things right, yet seems I fail with ever undertaking I take on.
Maybe the best thing would be to delete this entire thread and I will go back to just having fun?
This is not meant as a criticism to anyone other than myself.
The only thing 'wrong' would be that the Filter for Full HTML is only intended to be used on pages by folks who know it. It can't figure out unclosed table tags, for instance, so can mess up other views. Take a look at what it did to the whole site's blogroll, for instance: https://portableapps.com/blogs
Edit: You fixed it as I was posting this. The page before was indented about 1/2 way across the screen and began with multiple copies of your headers from your table but none of the content. This was due to you using a table with some broken code and no properly telling Drupal where the 'summary' was for your post.
Guess I wanted more than I was capable of doing....back to my corner
Or was that a comment meant to say I really screwed up?
I have reverted back to what everyone wanted me to do. As far as I can tell from the comments.
I think it looks nice.
And as Gord said: If you still want a table, Id be happy to share my codebase
Just had to laugh when I saw in your introduction post So just what the heck is a VF2NSR where you said
And then I noticed in this post that 6 of your 8 Officially Released Apps are games. What is it that you do at customer sites?
On a more serious note, thanks for your work. I love the "Quick" games you have released!
In a nutshell
I first used Portable Apps for Firefox as many times if a customer had a hijacked web browser I could at least log onto the web, also I used Revo Uninstaller as well as Glarys Util. Plus cariou sother "techie" type programs. As for my official apps Well John decides what goes official and what do not not me lol....but on a side thought Sometimes when at a customers I would have to run scans etc that took quite sometime, so instead of twiddling thumbs and looking bored a quick game was always good (
BTW I was oh so happy to find the freeware quick games, literally took me over a year at the time all I really wanted was Cribbage, but then discovered his other games and got permission for them all, I just wish he would re-make his BlackJack game (only 16bit) at least bring it up to 32 bit.
And thanks for actually reading my blog
Thought would post the updated list since I was lucky enough to have a few apps go official since my last update of March 2012