mosaic image creator

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Version 3.53 for Windows, Multilingual
20MB download / 53MB installed
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AndreaMosaic is a free image processor that lets you create mosaic or 'tiled' images using a source image of your choosing and a set of tile images to make it up. You can create multiple tile sets of images, have it use tiles of different shapes (square or rectangular), and lots more.
Download Details
- Publisher: Andrea Denzler & PortableApps.com (JW Hough)
- Date Updated: 2023-05-23
- Date Added: 2012-11-15
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Freeware (Personal and business use)
- Source: PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: 3f0a6560764b118c302ee30ed4e6b18a6619d1fc6f9bc93046c9a20d20b8a2e3
AndreaMosaic is packaged for portable use with permission from Andrea Denzler.