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KiCad Portable

Electronics Design Automation Suite

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Version 9.0.0 for Windows x64, Multilingual
142MB download / 993MB installed
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KiCad is a cross platform and open source Electronics Design Automation Suite (EDA). It handles Schematic Capture, and PCB Layout with Gerber and IPC-2581 output. KiCad's Schematic Editor supports everything from the most basic schematic to a complex hierarchical design with hundreds of sheets. Create your own custom symbols or use some of the thousands found in the official KiCad library. Verify your design with integrated SPICE simulator and electrical rules checker. KiCad's PCB Editor is approachable enough to make your first PCB design easy, and powerful enough for complex modern designs. A powerful interactive router and improved visualization and selection tools make layout tasks easier than ever. KiCad's 3D Viewer allows easy inspection of your PCB to check mechanical fit and to preview your finished product. A built-in raytracer with customizable lighting can create realistic images to show off your work.

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Open Source Initiative Approved License