image editing and effects

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Version 7.2.1 Rev 3 for Windows, Multilingual
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PhotoFiltre is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it. It is simple and intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve.
- Filters - Its wide range of filters allows novice users to familiarize themselves with the world of graphics. You can find the standard adjustment functions (Brightness, contrast, dyed, saturation, gamma correction) and also artistic filters (watercolor, pastels, Indian ink, pointillism, puzzle effect). There are more than 100 filters to be discovered!
- Vectorial selections - PhotoFiltre uses two types of vectorial selections. The first type uses automatic shapes (rectangle, ellipse, triangle, rhombus, rounded rectangle). The second type corresponds to the lasso and polygon. They both allow a customized form by drawing a shape by hand or using a series of lines. Every selection can be saved into a seperate file, to be used later on.
- Tool bar - The toolbar is primarily made up of drawing tools, such as pipette, displacement cursor, fill bucket, aerosol, brush, drop of water (blur), cloning stamp, smudge (finger) and magic wand.
- Brushes - PhotoFiltre has some standard brushes (round and square in different sizes), but also some more varied forms (oblique line, leave, star, etc...)
- PhotoMasque module - With PhotoMasque you can create advanced effects of contour and transparency on your images by using preset masks. These masks are grayscale images, where white is the transparancy color, while opacity increases as the shades of gray become darker. Black means complete opacity. PhotoMasque comes with several basic masks to inspire you to create your own masks.
- Automatisation module - This module allows you to apply basic functions/corrections (conversion, image size, framing) to a group of images.
- Other functions - Image browser, Plug-in management, Scanning of images using a TWAIN compatible device (scanner, webcam, photocamera), Transparency management for GIF images and exporting them to icons (16, 256 or 16 millions of colors), Advanced text effects (rotation, shading, bevel), Serveral types of contours and textures, Blending and assembling of images and more
App Notes
Languages: PhotoFiltre Portable will automatically adjust language to match the PortableApps.com Platform. If running without the platform, you can adjust the language after running and closing the application at least once by editing the file PhotoFiltrePortableSettings.ini within the PhotoFiltrePortable\Data\settings directory. Set Language= to your preferred language (example, de for German, fr for French, etc).Support
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Download Details
- Publisher: Antonio Da Cruz & PortableApps.com (computerfreaker)
- Date Updated: 2016-02-01
- Date Added: 2011-02-20
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Freeware (Personal and educational use)
- Source: PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: 671e99acd38fdab12a7937e8421c56ec3cad64eeb91f202189ccad57002aeeda
PhotoFiltre is packaged for portable use with permission from the publisher