fast file search

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Version 3.10 for Windows, Multilingual
6MB download / 19MB installed
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WizFile is a very high speed file and folder search. File search results are returned instantly as you type. WizFile provides a real time view of all files on your hard drives - any changes to the file search results will be updated in real time as they occur. When scanning NTFS formatted drives, WizFile reads the hard drive's Master File Table (MFT) directly from the disk. This is the fastest way to load file information from a hard drive, and allows WizFile to be ready for use very quickly after it's started. WizFile requires admin rights to function.
Download Details
- Publisher: Antibody Software Ltd & PortableApps.com (John T. Haller)
- Date Updated: 2024-05-21
- Date Added: 2021-12-21
- System Requirements: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Freeware (Personal Use Only, Business Use With Payment)
- Source: PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: a19cd0564c974be238169ea1dc9ef8f83ead99e04b996b7c6fa30fc4e86510d1
WizFile is packaged for portable use with permission from Antibody Software, Ltd