It's time for another ' Status Update' on what's new in the last week. We've got new apps, an update on the platform progress, an update on site upgrade progress, and more. Read on for the details
New Apps
In the last 9 days we've had another 9 new apps go live. You can easily track new releases in the New Apps Tracker we debuted last week. It's linked from the homepage just below the news announcements, too.
Big Solitaires 3D Portable - collection of 40 solitaire games
BleachBit Portable - cache, temp file and history cleaner
CrystalDiskInfo Portable - disk health monitoring tool
JPEGView Portable - image viewer and processor
NetHack Portable - single player dungeon exploration
qBittorrent Portable - lightweight bittorrent client
SuperTuxKart Portable - multiplayer kart racing
Texter Portable - text substitution utility
WinPenguins Portable - penguins running around your desktop
Drupal Upgrade Progress
We've made a bit more progress in preparing for a manual Drupal upgrade. We're hoping to try out the first of the scripts this week to ensure data imports properly. Once it does, we'll schedule an off-hour upgrade which should take no more than a couple hours. Once complete, we'll be able to start proceding with improved localization.
Financial Update
We're still exploring some options for fund-raising in the run-up to 2.0. We like the idea of a store where you can buy t-shirts, mousepads, mugs, etc. We're also looking into doing a branded drive just as a fundraiser. We don't want to do it long-term as we're not looking to compete with our upcoming hardware partnerships.
As mentioned before, bandwidth costs continue to grow and the need for additional hardware presents itself, the additional funds are definitely going to help. In terms of monthly unique visitors, we're closing in on the likes of BoingBoing, SlashDot and similar sites and the hosting costs are reflecting that. Currently, we're covering the additional overhead from personal funding sources.
We still plan to kick this off soon after the 1.9 release is posted and will be providing more details at the time. We may do something similar to wikipedia's call for donations, though likely without my face looking sad on every page of the site. :) We're always looking for ideas and suggestions as well, so feel free to drop us a note to our developer contact address or post a note in the forums.
1.9 / 2.0 Beta 6 Platform Progress
The final method (for now, anyway) for adding new apps via the updater has been completed and now I'm updating the database to better provide all the data it needs. There are still a couple bugs in categories to complete but they should be done soon. Once the updater and categories are complete and relatively stable, we'll be pushing the release out for both stable and beta users. This was a light week in terms of platform progress, but things are still moving forward.
That's it for this update. Unlike this week (whose update was a bit later than planned) next week's update will be happening earlier in the week, so keep an eye on this blog. Have a great weekend everybody!
i don't think i really learned anything, or did i?
Light Week
It was a light week on public stuff due to some other obligations and some legal and contract stuff that can't be included in any public announcement yet
Hi John, Any chance you can
Hi John,
Any chance you can update the portable Java (jPortable), version 24 came out a few days ago. TIA.
Please use the "Outdated Official Apps" thread.
There is a listing on the Development page to the Outdated Official Apps thread, in the future please use that to inform the Developers that an Official app needs updating.
When looking at the list maintained there you may notice, that the Developers already know that Java 6 Update 24 is out, as it is already on the list.
Thank You for your interest in apps being up-to-date.
Thanks, John
I think you will be happily surprised by the number of people that will buy PortableApps swag. I know I'll be happy to be drinking my coffee out of my PortableApps mug, wearing my PortableApps shirt and baseball cap, using my PortableApps mousepad and drive. Well, maybe not all at the same time
Considering all the benefits we've gotten from PortableApps, and the fact that you are paying for overhead out of your own pocket while thousands enjoy this software for FREE - well, tossing you a few bucks is the LEAST we can do.
Seems like a Portable Apps
Seems like a Portable Apps thumbdrive would be obvious. Probably hard to compete with Staples on price point but ....
definitely would be difficult
definitely would be difficult on price point, but not only because of Staples. There are plenty of other competitive rates out there for hardware desired. I would recommend packaging it with a pre-installed portable apps bundle though. I think it would definitely make things more appealing to a buyer. Just food for thought at the moment.
8/9 & Re: Branded FlashDrives
Looks like this post got updated to include today's App too, but now it says "In the last 8 days we've had another 8 new apps go live.", and proceeds to list 9 Apps.
Edit: The link at the top of the homepage says 8 too.
Also you said:
Why not offer branding of drives (with some portion of the proceeds going towards as part of those "hardware partnerships"?
Note: If this happens, it'd be cool if all PA.c branded drives could be required to measure up to some standard like a high Read/Write Speed of small files (or would that be more like a PA.c Certification?), what do you think?
Branded Min Spec Flash Drives
I'd agree with the min spec drives. I've got four flash drives of dif brands, most of which didn't advertise their speeds. It would be good to KNOW what I was getting was quality and of decent spec.
9 Days
Ah, I forgot that when the last update came out the app hadn't come out yet that day while for this update the app already had. So it's really 9
Branded drives
As others have said, if you do go for branded drives as a fundraiser (and I think it's a good idea), go for the fastest ones as these will be much more useful in practical terms to PA.c users.
Speaking personally, capacity is not that important (I still have 2.7GB free on a 4GB drive, though I realise others' mileage may vary) but read/write speed certainly is.
The portable experience
Yep, I second that emotion.
I have learned that speed is indeed more important than size.
But I guess that PortableApps knows this. If you would want to create a branded drive, that would advertise the PortableApps phenomenon, you really want to give the user the real PortableApp experience. And that experience wouldn't work on slow drives...!
SanDisk Cruzer Titanium is excellent
I would not want to get any other flash drive than the SanDisk Cruzer Titanium. I hope they still make them.
I've had a 2GB Cruzer Titanium on my keyring since 2008, and it still works perfectly. There is no cap to lose, as the USB plug is retractable. The whole thing is made of metal and is supposed to be able to withstand a truck driving over it.
So it would be cool if PortableApps gets sponsored by SanDisk, but it's probably highly unlikely, as they have some deal with Microsoft, to make a U3 replacement, which was suppose to have materialised a couple of years ago.
"We don't want to do it long-term as we're not looking to compete with our upcoming hardware partnerships."
Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way, but can the branded flash drive NOT BE A PART of the hardware partnership(s)? I don't know, but the partners may also feel the urge to finally release a drive with PA.c on it. Well in a way that doesn't 'compete' with the hardware partners you maybe even could put all flash drives in the shop or something. In a way the partners are happy, the users are happy and the PA.c people are happy. A win-win-win situation so to speak.
I would definitely buy some
I would definitely buy some branded USB keys. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind buying some stickers to put them on an external HDD.
2.0 official release?
When can we expect stable and official (category) platform to be released?
Watch this space
Keep watching but don't fall asleep you may miss it.
My guess is sometime this year, but you never know it could be next.
Things move very slowly on here.
Please don't ask for release dates.
Release dates will likely not be published, since whenever RealLife(tm) intrudes and the date can't be met, then a flood of complainy and snarky posts are unleashed on this forum (I have myself been guilty of this, I'm trying to reform).
Rest assured that John is working hard to complete it, and despite the fact that he's not paid for this, and he pumps his own money into the project, he is still dedicated to getting this done.
PA branded drive
Sure! I'd love that. A limited edition. Pre-Loaded with the new 2.0 platform.
Add a custom logo. Stickers for my portable HD and more.
Add in the banner artwork so I can post a link to your website from mine.
Make this a pre-order so you have money for it up front, and ship when ready.
I hope this works out for you and us.
Please don't start
Hi, John.
While we all patiently wait for your updates and especially the Platform 1.9/2.0 Beta 6, let me kindly ask that you not start giving time-frames.
Last week we were told to look for an update by Tuesday or Wednesday and it came Saturday evening and we were told this week to expect an update earlier in the week unlike last week. Well, if we get a news update today, yes, technically it will be earlier in the week than last week (which was Saturday), but it's a stretch.
It would seem best for you to avoid telling us to look for an update on this day or part of the week because it already isn't working.
We were told weekly updates and you don't need to say more than that. Not saying anything more would probably be best for all of us.
Waiting patiently... (Final Jeopardy music playing)
Earlier in the week.
Think we've heard that before.