This is now official. See here.
Application: HM NIS Edit
Category: Development
Description: (Taken from the web site) HM NIS Edit is the best Editor/IDE for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS). Its useful for experts and beginners in the creation of Setup programs with the NSIS.
Release Notes:
Development Test 13 (24FEB11):
Removed NSIS from the package so NSIS Portable is used instead. Hmmm, 13 feels unlucky...
Development Test 12 (19FEB11):
Updated to use Unicode NSIS, fixed an obscure bug or two and updated to the latest PAF specs.
Development Test 11 (1-04-2009):
re-ordered and fixed language switching code, made the installer multi-lingual, added an INI option and changed name to NIS Edit.
Development Test 10 (30-03-2009):
Fixed problem with language switching code.
Development Test 9 (28-03-2009):
big code cleaning, fixed a lot of problems.
Note:HM NIS Edit now installs to NISEditPortable (I'm dropping the HM) so to upgrade from DT8 you will need to copy over Data\settings\nisedit.ini and manually adjust any paths.
Development Test 8 (1-12-2008):
code cleaning, plus fixed the DefaultData bug.
Development Test 7 (31-07-2008):
fixed a bug where the INI wasn't being moved.
Development Test 6 (22-07-2008):
fixed the DefaultData problem, and made changes suggested by OliverK.... again.
Development Test 5 (04-07-2008):
fixed problems listed by OliverK.
Development Test 4 (28-06-2008):
fixed ReplaceInFile problems.
Development Test 3 (17-06-2008):
fixed up the integrated NSIS support.
Development Test 2 (13-06-2008):
Fixed some Typos.
Development Test 1 (6-06-2008):
Initial Release
Have had a quick look. Quite a nice NSIS editor that lets you edit & compile in one application. Doesn't seem to have been updated in a long time though. I could be tempted to use this for script work instead of Notepad++/NSIS. I had a little bit of trouble configuring the compiler option, until I figured out it was looking for the original NSIS exe rather than the portablised NSIS launcher exe. Anyway, I like this little integrated editor/compiler. Good effort.
it is prety good, yeah. I was using notepad++ for a bit, but then someone reccomemended this for some other guy, and I liked it. also, does anyone know what stuff the NSIS Portable launcher cleans up? like does makensis.exe leave anything or is it just the GUI?
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
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The NSISPortable launcher will clean up the registry entries left by makensis.exe. I wrote the launcher to monitor nsis.exe, makensis.exe and zip2exe.exe, and only close if none of those are running.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
From looking at the source code for 'makensis.exe', I believe that it is only the GUI that uses the registry. The only things 'makensis.exe' uses are the following environment variables:
APPDATA (Windows)
HOME (Linux, Unix, etc)
I see no indication of that in the AppData folder or the Launcher source code.
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It is in the actual source code for makensis.exe (makenssi.cpp).
True, it doesn't actually use the AppData folder (from what I could see), but it's there in the source.
If you have the source code archive for NSIS, just look in the file 'makenssi.cpp'.
Fair enough
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I'm downloading and will test later.
Release Team Member
Zach, i stole some of your nsis portable code and added it in. dev test 3 now available.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
its not stealing since it's all OSS
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
It doesn't remember where NSIS is. You need to replace the drive letter in it's options file.
Release Team Member
fixed in dev test 4.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Just downloaded Dev Test 4-without NSIS.
Relaunches HM NIS edit after I close. If I remember correctly, this means you need a
Goto TheEnd
after your after your launch and exit, as well as when your down putting the registry back together. i.e.Doesn't appear to be fixing the path to my flash drive. Loses it when I go from computer to computer.- Figured it out! You don't seem to have your nisedit.ini anywhere. Put that in App/DefaultData to be copied in if the script can't find any setting in Data.
Also, MakeNSIS gives the following errors:
2 warnings:
Variable "MUI_TEMP1" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "MUI_TEMP2" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Sorry if I seen to be burying you. We can work out the PAF specific things after that. Good job, and a great app! Wish I'd found it.
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thanks for the feedback. fixed in Dev test 5, which i will release.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Doesn't appear to be fixing drive paths either.
I went wild on the code the other night, if you want, I'll post it for you, though I still haven't gotten it to adjust the paths. Also, you'll need to move all of the files for the plugins, as per I didn't know this at the time of coding.
I would suggest figuring out of you are going to support an external compiler (one not under HM NIS EditPortable/App/nsis). If you do, well, its a barrel full.
Alright. I'll get off your case for now.
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hmmm. i took the download link down becuase it wasn't properly doing the paths. seems like a common problem. also, what the launcher is meant to do in order:
there is a splash screen in there somewhere, but this is a list of the basic functions.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Here's where I'm at. I got the AdjustPaths to work. If you want to be nice, you can mention me, but you don't have to.
Your problem was here:
You had added some extra gobble-de-gook, which was messing up the replace. It stores in the manner of "X:"
I also added some ini gobble-de-gook which allows for the NSIS portable to be in more places then
Good work on the base. Continue the project. I still get the mui temp warnings, I haven't figured out where those are from.
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(I got caught with this also, in BPBible Portable!)
MUI is not needed unless you need a page like the Mozilla thing on the first run of FF
You aren't doing that, so you can remove the lines:
You'll save at least 5KB if you disable it!
Also, you use registry.nsh. You really MUST HAVE
in TheEnd - otherwise it'll leave stuff in %TEMP%
And no, I can't test it yet - I'm only going on what OliverK posted! I would have downloaded it, but you removed the link...
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
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i noticed you referenced to PortableApps\NSISPortable\NSISPortable.exe.
HM NIS Edit only likes to reference to the actual command line file, makensis.exe.
fixed that and uploaded new version.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
look again.
It only does this for using the NSIS Portable if its not under App/nsis
Which it checks first.
By the way, the INI alternate path allows someone not using stuff under the PApps folder. Or, using it inside of another folder.
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yes but:
IfFileExists "$CURRENTDRIVE\PortableApps\NSISPortable\NSISPortable.exe" FixNSH UseINIAlternatePath
refers to NSISPortable.exe and HM NIS Edit only likes makensis.exe, as in the command line version.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
It uses to see whether to flop X:/PortableApps/NsisPortable/App/nsis/config or X:/PortableApps/HM NIS Edit Portable/App/nsis
I'll leave you alon, and see if your version is working- mine is having trouble storing the directory letter.
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Should I leave you alone?
Nether set up paths properly.
The problem is here:
Those extra "" in
IfFileExists "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\nisedit.ini" "" StoreCurrentDriveLetter
are throwing things off.You still need to put a nisedit.ini in the defualtdata directory! Its saving to the registry.
I really like this app, and I'm trying to help. You are, however, more then welcome to tell me to buzz off and go away.
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actually, i like your criticism, i usually dont get anywhere near as much as i like.
fixing as you read this.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Okay. I feel like a dufas and shall apologize. When I added in some extra code- I broke the path adjustment, since it wasn't able to store the new drive letter. So, then I make it store the letter- bet then it never gets around to actually replacing the drive letter.
So . . . I broke you script. I busted it and busted it good. But, thankfully, I've gotten the problem fixed. Now, if all the other features work . . .
Now, I'll shut my stupid mouth and leave you alone.
I due hope this goes official.
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thanks for all of your criticism, and re-writing. hopefully this should be all that needs to be done, but i cant do a compile a school, so i'll get the new version up at home.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Okay. Again, I'm sorry about screwing it up.
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don't worry about it. i'm not too stressed.
EDIT: made fixes, and released a new version.
EDIT2: fixed a problem, new version. see main post.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Just testing HM NIS Edit 2.03 Development Test 7 with NSIS Preconfigured.
C:\Documents and Settings\Taffin.UPSTAIRS-1\Desktop\HMNISEditPortable\App\NSIS\makensis.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Taffin.UPSTAIRS-1\Desktop\HMNISEditPortable\App\NSIS\NSIS.chm
Fixed, and uploading new version now.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
I don't know if you've solved the inital setup location, but you could use something like the code there.
I'll post here just for fun:
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I'm still using HM_NIS_Edit_Portable_NSIS_Preconfigured_2.03_Dev_Test_7.
And now the big issue: If you then run HM NIS Portable again, new settings will be created. But these new settings won't be saved in an INI-file (which could be handled by the launcher), they will be saved in the registry (
HKCU\Software\HM Software
).The registry keys will be created on each machine you run HM NIS Portable and they will be left behind.
FindProcDLL::FindProc "${DEFAULTEXE}"
, should beFindProcDLL::FindProc "$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE"
Minor things:
-Remove false version number
-Copyright 2004-2007
to HMNISEditPortable.iniOh, and there is another task for you
HM NIS is multilingual, but your launcher doesn't include language switcher code.
The language is saved in nisedit.ini:
@mods: Is this site messed somehow, cause it's the only one with a scrollbar left right! For language switching in the manner John's thinking of.
I think the left right is from long solid block of text like the one I'm trying to type right here to prove the point and yes I think its a drupal bug
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Sorry, but the registry handling is messy. After each ${registry::KeyExists}-line a distinction of cases is missing. Something like
StrCmp $R0 "-1" Label1 Label2
.You could look at WinMergePortable.nsi, it is a good example for the registry stuff.
I'm sorry, I don't want to disaggregate your launcher, I just want to help. After I found the first bug (DefaultData), I took a closer look at the launcher and the whole package.
Many guys think HM NIS Portable is ready and should go official soon, but in my opinion there is some work to do.
I hope my criticism don't discourage you from developing further portable apps.
Keep up your work
thanks for the feedback. there is a fair bit that needs to be done on NIS Edit portable, incuding the language switching and that path replacement oliverK seems to be fond of, plus all of those little bugs that you've found.
i'll get the next dev test out as soon as possible, but i've been (and still am) sick so it may take a bit.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Don't worry about the path replacement if you don't want to, I won't feel (to) bad
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new version, did a lot of minor code fixes.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
The launcher doesn't copy the default nisedit.ini --> HM NIS Portable saves settings to the registry.
found and fixed. I won't increment it as it was a slight typo that was causing the problem.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Well, sorry dude, but HM NIS Portable is still buggy.
And, in my opinion, the launcher code is very unstructered, so it's hard to understand (and to debug).
Anyway, I'll try to help
That way HM NIS Portable is really preconfigured
StrCmp $R0 "0" 0 +2
(+1 is the same as 0)Rename "$EXEDIR\App\nsis\nsisconf.nsh" "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\nsisconf.nsh"- your launcher read the INI-parameters Programdirectory, Settingsdirectory, AlternateNSISpath, Additionalparameters and DisableSplashscreen, but your INI has the following parameters:
- PortableApps.comInstallerConfig.nsh: false version number (
- Remove thumbs.db files
Programdirectory, Programexecutable, AlternateNSISpath, Additionalparameters and DisableSplashscreen. Equalize them and don't forget the Readme.txt.
I haven't checked the language switcher code.
That's all by now
The download link for NSIS Preconfigured is broken, there's not longer available.
The download is down as I'm planning a big rewrite of the launcher to fix a lot of problems, and I re-organised my download section.
A new version should be out by the end of this weekend hopefully.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Taffin, I think you could remove the complete registry stuff in your launcher. I'm using HMNIS Portable for a long time and I have never found the key HKCU\Software\NSIS.
I think HMNIS doesn't create this key, so there is no need to handle that.
Thanks for your work on HMNIS Portable!
when suing the built in compile feature for NSIS it does
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not here. I've compiled all my packages with HMNIS Portable. No HKCU\Software\NSIS registry keys on my WinXP SP3, no "HMNISEditPortable\Data\settings\NSIS_portable.reg".
New version! I stripped all the registry code seeming how it was doing nothing, and fixed up the entire package in general.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Thanks very much, Taffin. I'll test that next week.
I have your Version tested. There is a mistake with the local language. This is not saved. So if i German system and later the program again start, is everything again English.
Roland Brem
Zwickau, Germany
Fixed in DT10.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
I normally use AutoIt to make a program portable, but want to learn nsis scripting. I found this program which I think would be perfect for me to learn how to make portable apps.
However, the help file and the compiler do not seem to use relative paths, so I have to change them manually if I move the folder. Is there a way to easily give relative paths to the ini-file with NSIS? (In AutoIt you just use @ScriptDir, and it works.)
The paths I'm talking about are found in the configuration window, and are linking to makensis.exe and NSIS.chm.
"$EXEDIR" for the compile script's directory, "$OUTDIR" for current directory.
If you create the $SETTINGSDIRECTORY before and the language switching is succesful, the default nisedit.ini won't be copied (and the compiler won't be configured). So just move it down
Sorry for being nit-picky, but for me that aren't showstoppers. HM NIS Portable is great. Thanks for your work.
I don't care about the language switching bugs.
Cheers Bart.S
President of the "'DisableAppLanguageSwitching=true' forever"-club
Thanks for those. New version, details in initial post.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
I don't mean to send you back to the drawing board, but I see it referred to as HM NIS Edit far more than without the HM, especially on their official site.
Is this app still being developed ???
I quite like using NISEditPortable.
Or can anybody advise me an app simular to this ?
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
I really like using NISEdit Portable, too - I won't work with NSIS in any other editor.
Unfortunately, it seems to have been abandoned - the last release dates were in 2005, according to the NIS Edit download page.
I second your question about a similar app, though.
EDIT: how about Venis IX? It seems to be dead too - last release was January 2007 - but it's more up-to-date than NISEdit.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I've tried HM NIS Edit briefly - I only liked its GUI tool - and Venis IX as well which in my opinion was just lacking in anything to make it better than my favourite code editor... gVim. What's more, it has available for it good NSIS syntax highlighting which I improve from time to time and is better NSIS syntax highlighting than I've seen in any other text editor or online syntax highlighter (like GeSHI). I personally very much like Vim, though it's not to everyone's taste.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
try them! Otherwise, try Geany or Notepad++ which has sntax highlighting. I'm hoping that the new build system for Geany will better implement some NSIS stuff, I but I haven't tested it in the nightlies I've been building.
And, why does it matter if its abandoned? I mean, it works right? It gets the job done. There's nothing in the system that could (theoretically) produce a vulnerability. That being said, why does it matter how old it is? If it works, it works!
Lets stop slamming old software that works. It works, which is most important to me
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I did mention that "I won't work with NSIS in any other editor", so I'm a bit confused by your "try them" statement.
Incidentally, I don't mind old software (as long as it still works, that is); I do think it's time to move on when a program's both old and abandoned (unless someone wants to resurrect the project?)
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Sorry. I thought that you meant you were lookign for another editor. If you aren't, then disregard
I won't be offended.
Don't really care if its abandoned myself, but to each his own. I just want it to WORK.
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Going to disregard, then. I'm happy with NISEdit; I'd switch in a heartbeat (as with any app) if I can find something better, but I've yet to find a better NSIS editor.
My only problem with abandoned apps is that they generally can't handle newer technologies and nobody's around to update them (e.g. Windows Vista broke a lot of abandoned apps, IIRC). As long as the abandoned apps still work and there's nothing better out there, I'm happy; if I find something better, no matter how new my current app is, I'll switch.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Then it doesn't WORK
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yes, it still works - on older machines. I've heard (don't quote me) that there are still businesses on Win98 or earlier because mission-critical apps haven't been updated. That's that kind of thing I hate.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
to 1.0.3
Still disappointed that only like, a tenth of it is in English
Luckily the icons help!
I doubt that the installer will be being updated anytime soon. Its not worth the work when the old installer works fine.
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Since the app itself isn't updated anymore I'm only supporting bugs. If someone posts a noticable bug then I'll upgrade the installer and fix bugs, but otherwise why fix that which is not broken?
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Is there any good reason why you don't have the SecondaryLanch functionality included for it?
I've implemented it for my personal use a while ago and it doesn't give me any issues.
This way it will work with association better, like expresso or Xyplorer, etc !
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Registry entries is what I can think of. Unless you wrote your own or copied somebodies code
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I don't think NISEditPortable does use the registry.
I haven't specifically checked, but nor does the original script deal with the registry and nor did I ever find NISEdit keys in my registry !
NISEdit uses nisedit.ini for it's settings.
But even if it did use the registry, still it could do a 'SecondaryLaunch' !
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Ahh, well, NISEdit doesn't use the registry. But NSIS does. You must have it set up in a different manner.
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See :
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Forgot that. Must be due to using the window. Commanline doesn't generate anything then.
And, thanks for pointing that out.
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I don't particularly like multiple instances, and if I recall correctly it caused some minor problem somewhere that would have taken too much effort to fix. Besides, I always just open multiple files in the one instance
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
But it just keeps the one instance open, and opens multiple-tabs with secondary launch functionality !
But not sure about the minor problem. I haven't encountered it, as I'm just running it from my local hard-drive.
Anyway, don't worry about it for me, I just wanted to let you know !
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Just some updates to the latest PAF spec and unicode NSIS.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
I was just looking at this and wondering what would be involved. Are you using a standard NSIS Unicode build? If so, wouldn't it make more sense to have it require NSIS Portable installed next to it and use that (ala PA.c Launcher)? Also, why NISEditPortable instead of HMNISEditPortable? I'd like to get this out maybe this week.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
NISEditPortable was partly me getting a little lazy with typing out the name every time
It's actually just the PA.c Unicode NSIS so that anyone using it got all of the extras that NSIS Portable has without relying on it, but since PAL does that anyway I may as well do that and go over and change it all to HM NIS Edit Portable.
Is there code in the PAL installer to check for NSIS Portable, or is it just assumed to be present?
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
I believe it is assumed to be present by the installer but the launcher checks for it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The Launcher Generator uses NSIS Portable, requiring the user to specify a path before it can start; if you want to use NSIS, it's best to use %PAL:PortableAppsDir%\NSISPortable by default with the possibility of an override in the INI file next to the launcher executable; here's approximately what you need for App\AppInfo\Launcher\Custom.nsh (PAL 2.1):
(Can't remember whether ReadUserConfigWithDefault is defined, may need to work around it. I'll put it in 2.1 final if it's not.)
I think it's best to make it a "passive" search for NSIS, rather than an active requirement-or-I-won't-start as it is in the PAL Generator - HM NIS Edit doesn't require NSIS if I recall correctly.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Right, updated it to use NSIS portable.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.