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Calibre Portable Modification

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Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2020-08-05 22:27
Calibre Portable Modification

Suggesting/requesting that Calibre Portable include the standalone ebook-edit.exe and ebook-viewer.exe programs located in PortableApps\calibrePortable\App\Calibre be included, therefore independently launchable from the Platform, in the PortableApps\calibrePortable directory.

To clarify, I mean that Calibre Portable ought to be packaged like OpenOffice Portable and LibreOffice Portable. ebook-edit.exe and ebook-viewer.exe are technically standalone applications that ebook developers and end-user modifiers alike benefit from using independently of the main calibrePortable.exe manager program. Because we don't have different import versions of the in-development or currently modifying ebook project we're working on cluttering up our Calibre library. Which is otherwise, as currently packaged, the only way to launch and utilize these applications for development purposes and, for developers and modifiers, resulting in an avoidable mess of our Library to deal with.

I understand OpenOffice and LibreOffice are currently the only exceptions to apps featuring multiple executables, as described. I also understand that the Launcher cannot, at least in of itself, be used to achieve this result. It is entirely unclear how to manually attempt it.

Failing the official release(s) of this packaged that way, I'd appreciate information on how to package, or modify the existing PAF of it, this software as described myself in PAF format. With as many details and/or examples as possible, if possible. Please and thank you.
Additionally, as an example of the sort of how-to information I'm seeking, I'd be curious to know if it could be as simply done as to make a copy of the existing Calibre Portable PAF, modifying the PortableApps\calibrePortable\App\AppInfo/appinfo.ini and/or PortableApps\calibrePortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher/calibrePortable.ini then using the Launcher to get an .exe of these two where they need to be, and then roll them into one, or if other methods to these means are required. And if so, what and how?

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2020-08-05 22:27
User Resolution

Notepad++ to create the following batch files:

title Calibre Editor Launcher
call "App\Calibre\ebook-edit.exe"

Save as CalibreEditorPortable.bat [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable directory.

title Calibre Viewer Launcher
call "App\Calibre\ebook-viewer.exe"

Save as CalibreViewerPortable.bat to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable directory.

Bat to Exe Converter to convert the previous batch files to executable files.

Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable directory.
Select CalibreViewerPortable.bat
Save as: CalibreViewerPortable.exe

Under Visibility select Invisible application
Under Working directory select Current directory
Under Temporary files select Delete on exit
Under Encryption leave Encrypt the program unchecked
Under Miscellaneous leave all unchecked
Under Architecture select 64 Bit

Select Compile.

Repeat for CalibreEditorPortable.bat

Install it (locally; it is not portable).

Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable\App\Calibre

Select ebook-viewer.exe and Right-Click it.
Select Properties.
Select Icons tab.
Select 256x256 (PNG)
Click on the save button icon.

Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\Documents\Pictures
Save as: ebook-viewer.ico

Repeat for ebook-edit.exe

Resource Hacker
Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable directory.
Select File > Open... >
Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable\CalibreViewerPortable.exe
Select Open
Select Action > Add an Image or other Binary Resource...
Select File...

Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\Documents\Pictures\ebook-viewer.ico
Select open.
Name the icon ebook-viewer.
Select Add Resource.

Repeat for CalibreEditorPortable.exe

File > Open
Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
Select open


Name1=Calibre Portable

Name2=Calibre Editor Portable

Name3=Calibre Viewer Portable


Add the new .ico files to AppInfo
Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\Documents\Pictures
Select both ebook-viewer.ico and ebook-edit.ico
Right-Click > Copy.

Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable\App\AppInfo
Right-Click > Paste.

Rename ebook-edit.ico to appicon2.ico

Rename ebook-viewer.ico to appicon3.ico

Copy and paste the existing appicon.ico which becomes appicon - Copy.ico
Rename that copy to appicon1.ico

Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\PortableApps\calibrePortable directory.
Delete CalibreEditorPortable.bat and CalibreViewerPortable.bat
Delete CalibreEditorPortable_original.exe and CalibreViewerPortable_original.exe

Navigate to [driveletter]:\PortableApps\Documents\Pictures
Delete ebook-edit.ico and ebook-viewer.ico

That should be it.
Presumably, the appinfo.ini will reset to defaults with future calibre Portable updates. I don't know about the executable and icon files. I'd suggest keeping a copy of this modified version elsewhere to reapply these modifications to future calibre Portable releases without having to go through all of this from absolute scratch again (our executable files should continue to work providing the actual executables of them in the program do not change name or directory location).

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2020-08-05 22:27
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