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Înfra recorder

NeoRame's picture
Submitted by NeoRame on May 12, 2008 - 7:31pm

i have found a bug i think, i cant change the language int the actually verion.
i have change it in german and in french for a test every time IR starts in english.
i have looked to the settings.ini and every time it writes the names wrong (German.irl->Ierman.irl / French.irl->Irench.irl)
and when i change the names my self to the right, its start in english,too!!!


New released infrarecorder doesn´t change/keep the language settings

wk's picture
Submitted by wk on May 12, 2008 - 5:41pm

New released infrarecorder doesn´t change/keep the language settings.
checking the settingsfile sometimes shows Nerman for German and Nutch for Dutch.
Drive number is N; so I think lang settings aren´t written into the settings.xml correctly so default is kept.
Former release saved


now it says





TaskCoach Bug: The *.tsk file could not be loaded after moving TaskCoach Portable to new base directory.

Submitted by SAL-e on May 8, 2008 - 10:40pm

Hi Everyone,

My task db file 'my.tsk' was located in "x:\ProgFiles\TaskCoachPortable\Data\" directory. Today I got new flash drive and I move my PortableApps. All of them worked with no problem, except TaskCoach. The new location is "y:\PortableApps\TaskCoachPortable\Data\". When I started it I got an error message:

"Cannot open Y:\ProgFiles\TaskCoachPortable\Data\my.tsk because it doesn't exist"

Looks like the luncher has detected that new drive letter is "Y:", but it did not detected the change of base directory from "ProgFiles" to "PortableApps"

TaskCoach Launcher Bug

ZachHudock's picture
Submitted by ZachHudock on May 6, 2008 - 1:25pm

Continued from the discussion in the news story here

APPNAME is defined as Task Coach, it should be TaskCoach (no space), because the launcher tries to read ${APPNAME}Directory from the ini. With a space in the name, it can't read correctly, so it will always error out.

Notepad++ Portable 4.9 menu bug

EdgesofTwilight's picture
Submitted by EdgesofTwilight on May 4, 2008 - 12:08pm

Anyone have a problem with the new 4.9 version of Notepad++ Portable? I installed the new version as a fresh install and the File menu is not there. I can get the menus to appear if I right click on the windows title bar, but I can not use the menu. I am running this on XP, anyone else have this problem?



SnDisk Cruzer Profile 1GB

Submitted by JustRelax on April 30, 2008 - 10:02pm

hi all ,

this is my 1st topic in this nice site .

i have a problem with my Cruzer Profile & i couldn't get any help from SanDisk Support...

My Cruzer Profile Can't read My finger Print anymore & i don't know why!!

i want to reset it or something...

i hope anyone can help me .


Problem With BonkEnc (directed @ Patrick Patience)

Submitted by -FDM64- on April 29, 2008 - 7:56pm

Here's the problem:
Ok, I have a folder of music on my desktop. I run BonkEnc Portable Ed. and have the settings as such:

General Settings-Encoders-Output directory:
[checked] Use input file directory if possible
[unchecked] Allow overwriting input file

General Settings-Playlists
[checked] Create playlists
[checked] Create cue sheets

General Settings-Playlists-Output directory:
[checked] Use use encoder output directory
