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Yahoo toolbar 1.3.1

Submitted by robertjvan on November 29, 2006 - 1:58pm

Their newest release I have it installed on the local version Firefox at home, but it won't install on Portable Firefox. I got version 1.2.1 from a attachment in another thread, but can't DL the xpi file from yahoo so I can install it to the portable.

problem with minivmac

Submitted by nighthawk3001 on November 24, 2006 - 12:06pm

in the directions on the main page, it says to download old system software from apple and extract the image from the .bin file.

I am using a windows xp system and i only have a mac se system, so I can't open the file. Is there anyway to open the file and extract the image from inside windows or is there anyway someone else can open it for me?

Problem installing additional apps

Submitted by scottn on November 24, 2006 - 8:13am

I installed the Standard version of PortableApps on a 1 GB USB key drive. It work nicely; kudos to the developers. However, when I try to install other apps -- specifically Nvu Portable and AbiWord Portable -- the installation process gets to about 60% (in both cases) and then freezes. I have to use the Windows Task Manager to kill the processes.

Any idea what's happening? And is there a way around it?



Portable .swf player...

Submitted by bibliophile86 on November 19, 2006 - 9:37pm

Hey all,

Hope this is the right place to post this. My question is: is there a portable app out there that can play .swf files? On my notebook, I can play them using Media Player Classic and the .swf plug-in. But on a portable hard drive on various computers, I can't replicate the experience. VLC can play .flv files, but not .swf. Anybody know of something that can?


Way to link docs on stick to apps on same

Submitted by dford3772 on November 18, 2006 - 4:27pm

I have found a U3 app that is great for when I use other computers. It is called
AppSnapper and it will link all the docs on the USB stick to programs carried on
that stick rather than on the host computer. It is wonderful not to have to drag and drop and still not have that work sometimes.

Is there anything similar to this that can be used on a plain USB stick. As an
example: OpenOffice App loaded and 16 O.O files added to stick. How to open other than drag and drop?
