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Submitted by cleo on February 23, 2008 - 3:20pm

tried a portable version of Kaspersky avp and after running it only once, Outlook and internet Explorer do not run properly unless the drive(with the avp portable app) is plugged in. Any suggestions on how to "unregister" the app or what ever is causing this problem

Mplayer plays RM file (realmedia)

Submitted by Francibat on February 20, 2008 - 8:08am

Please note that to make Portable Mplayer play RM (realmedia)files it is required to put codecs downloaded from into codecs folder....I did it but it doesn't works Sad ....
.. this solutions do not work until you replace mplayer.exe included in PortableApps installation with a fresh mplayer.exe taken from a hard disk install.

configuration files dosbox portable 0.72

Submitted by jeroenrikken on February 19, 2008 - 12:20pm

I am using the original version of dosbox to run some old programs. I thougt it wasn't easy to drag my programs into the dosbox icon, or to mount it every time, so I came up with the folowing sollution:

i made a few configuration files, and in the autoexec area, i typed the lines wich i used to mount my programs. I did this for every program.

Next, i wrote an .bat file, and i made a menu in it. the shortcut to my programs became this: start (location dosbox) dosbox.exe -conf (location custom .conf file)conffile.conf.

Slow speed with Portable Apps

Submitted by nmanguy on February 16, 2008 - 8:26pm

I decided to install the Portable Apps Suite, along with some extra apps onto a USB drive. Instead of having to spend an hour extracting everything onto a portable drive, I just installed the base edition it to a location on my C drive and added all the apps I needed. It ended up being around 400 Megabytes. After I did all that, I just copied and pasted it to my USB Thumb Drive, A 1GB Kingston Data Traveler. It took an incredibly long time to even start showing anything on the progress bar, and then it said it needed around 180 minutes to finish copying. That meant around .3 Mb/s.

Eraser Portable

Submitted by Devo on February 5, 2008 - 9:46am

I think it would be a good option for this application. When erasing something the progress box pops up, I think it should be possible to minimize the window, or eliminate it completely and have an animated icon. I think this would be a great way to make the program even more minimalistic. This is just my 2 cents.

Notepad++ Request

Submitted by worldofwires on February 4, 2008 - 10:05pm

I thought I'd post this on the off-chance that whoever converted Notepad++ (& and many thanks whoever you are) for PortableApps has has sway with the developers.

Just to say that as a convert from Crimson Editor, the only feature I miss is the option of opening a file that has been returned in a 'find in files' search. With CE you could double click the file link in the search dialogue and open the file. This, of course, would be nice but I think it could be bettered if you had an option prior to clicking search to 'open files' that the search string is found within.

Mac-on-a-Stick: The (More or Less) Official Guide

Submitted by GMMan on February 2, 2008 - 12:22am

Well, I have finally finished the project that I promised to everyone 1 year and 7 weeks ago. I am sorry to have kept everyone in the dark who wanted a portable Mac. So here it is, a 11 page tutorial that I have made in two evenings, that tells you everything you need to know about creating your very own Mac-on-a-Stick. I haven't checked for everything in the tutorial, but I have ran through it once when I was writing it.
